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Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe”

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1 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Expert view from Estonia Aime Võsu Ministry of Finance

2 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Background Responsibilities: - Ministry of Finance: PP policy, drafting PP law; -Public Procurement Office: supervision of the PPA, protests and complaints review, maintaining of PP register. -Amendments to bring PPA into compliance with EC PP directives and standard forms in force since 1 January 2004

3 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” ES03/IB/TWP/FIN/13 (Austria, Estonia) Assistance to the Ministry of Finance of Estonia for improving administrative capacity in the field of public procurement (start April 2004, end December 2004 Twinning project EE02-IB-SPP01 “Completing the Preparations for the Management of EU Structural Funds in Estonia”

4 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Objectives of the program: to transpose the principles of new PP directives into Estonian law; training of contracting authorities to achieve better understanding in PP directives principles; raising of administrative capacity on all levels.

5 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 1 – assistance to draft a new Public Procurement Act - opportunity to use expertise of judges of PPO on drafted PPA, to learn best practise of partner; - different legal environment of the beneficiary and partner (laws, organisation of PP system, PP register); - uncertainty concerning new procedures provided by new PP directives.

6 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 2 – training concerning “old” EC public procurement directives (4 two days regional seminars for contracting authorities) -well prepared seminar materials; -experience of experts as lecturers on different level; -difficulties with translation; -connecting with national law necessary during seminar.

7 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 3 – assistance to prepare Guidelines for contracting authorities -advice on compiling of national guidelines complicated (mainly explaining principles from the point of view of ECJ jurisdiction); -difficulties of structural funds implementing units connected with starting to follow national PP rules; -translation and time restriction problems.

8 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Output 4 – raising of administrative capacity -good co-operation between beneficiary and Austrian partner; -opportunity to learn best practice of partner and other Member States (UK, Sweden); -seminars for the officials of MoF and PPO.

9 Ministry of Finance of Estonia Conference in Vilnius 9 December 2004 “Recent Development and Current Challenges in the field of Public Procurement in Europe” Organisational issues, future steps -problems with planning of expert visits – insufficient flexibility; -heavy worksload of experts during expert visits – flat rate not used properly; - further training of contracting authorities and entities on all levels.

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