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1 Collection Specific Vocabularies March 2004. 2 Terminology CB - abbreviation for collection builder CV - abbreviation for controlled vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Collection Specific Vocabularies March 2004. 2 Terminology CB - abbreviation for collection builder CV - abbreviation for controlled vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Collection Specific Vocabularies March 2004

2 2 Terminology CB - abbreviation for collection builder CV - abbreviation for controlled vocabulary

3 3 Controlled vocabularies in DLESE Enables browsing and searching by: – Resource type and grade range – Educational standards – Collection names – Subject (browse only) Ensures consistent metadata content in some required and optional fields Applies to all collections Encourages consistent terminology usage

4 4 Collection specific vocabularies Terms/phrases CBs think describe collections better than the framework capabilities of: – Free text descriptions for each framework section – Annotation records – Controlled vocabs Use only in optional fields of ADN framework Applies to a single collection Should not use terms in DLESE-wide vocabs Should have easy to understand definitions

5 5 Putting collection specific vocabs into the ADN framework 1. Keywords method 2. Collection builder controlled terms method 3. XML schema method Notes - – When collections first ask about this they generally envision method three – Three collections implemented method 1

6 6 Keywords method Develop a list of terms or phrases Use the terms or phrases consistently in the keyword field of every record No browse capability Use keyword search to find records No definitions needed CB does all the work

7 7 Keyword method: ProsCons Simple for DPC and CB Searching yields good results CB has complete control and responsibility No metadata framework changes No impact on other collection builders No specific browse CB has complete control and responsibility No integration into DLESE systems and services

8 8 Collctn bldr contr. terms method Develop a list of terms/phrases Write definitions for terms/phrases Provide a URL to the definitions Use terms consistently Be very consistent in spelling, spacing and capitalization when creating metadata content DPC can do browse if CB is consistent with metadata content

9 9 CB controlled terms method: ProsCons Simple for CB Searching yields good results Browsing capability can be developed CB has complete control and responsibility No framework changes No impact on other collection builders Browse capability requires DPC work and close synchronization with CB CB must use terms consistently and be good about spelling/spacing Vocab not easily integrated into other DLESE systems or services

10 10 XML schema method (1) (CB does) Develop a list of terms Define the terms Provide attribution for the terms Encode the list of terms into XML that is compatible with the XML of the appropriate DLESE metadata framework Register the vocab and XML files with DLESE Keep the terminology updated

11 11 XML schema method (2) (DPC does) Develop a vocab registration system Encode the vocab terms and definitions into the DLESE systems for use in discovery Issue a new version of the particular metadata framework (because we do so when vocabs are added) Upgrade all existing records and collections to the new framework version (impacts every metadata record and CB in DLESE) Provide browse capability

12 12 XML schema method: ProsCons CB must know XML Searching yields very good results Good browse capability CB has some control and responsibility Vocab can be integrated into DLESE systems or services Not simple: extensive time and work is need from DPC and CB Requires metadata framework changes Impacts other CB’s (records and vocabs) CB does not have complete control or responsibilty

13 13 Probing questions Will users actually benefit from such vocabs? Will programming, web devel, metadata devel overhead outweigh benefits of vocab? Technical challenges exist in implementing Who will update terminologies when CB is done with the project? Searching by CB vocabs creates user interface issues, i.e. multiple custom interfaces How will DLESE system keep up?

14 14 Recommendation for DLESE Use the Keyword method because: Simple for both CB and DLESE CB has complete control Searching (no browse) is mostly likely just as good as without the vocabs because – Most library users search using the keyword text box not the controlled vocab menus – Stemming & proximity help improve search results

15 15 Complications of combining multiple controlled vocabs (CV) CV 1 CV 3 CV 2 Then how do we know what to use in the browse page CV 1CV 3CV 2

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