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Progress on Strengthening Teacher Education in Pakistan (STEP) 7 th November, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting, MoE.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress on Strengthening Teacher Education in Pakistan (STEP) 7 th November, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting, MoE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress on Strengthening Teacher Education in Pakistan (STEP) 7 th November, 2008 Steering Committee Meeting, MoE

2 OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT Period: October 12, 2005 - December 31, 2008 Main objective is to enhance the Government’s capacity to assure quality teacher education by improving policy framework, coordination and standard- setting.

3 Main Components 1.Standard Setting of Teacher Education 2.Framework of Accreditation of Teacher Education 3.Better Coordination and Network 4.Enhancement of Teacher Status

4 Main Implementers Federal MOE, Policy and Planning Wing ACTE (Accreditation Council for Teacher Education), Higher Education Commission Punjab DSD (Directorate of Staff Development ) UoE (University of Education, Lahore) Sindh BOC (Bureau of Curriculum) PITE (Provincial Institute for Teacher Education) NWFP DCTE (Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education) PITE (Provincial Institute for Teacher Education) Balochistan BOC (Bureau of Curriculum) PITE (Provincial Institute for Teacher Education)

5 8 ACTIVITIES 1.Strategic Framework for Teacher Education 2.Better Coordination 3.Development of Standards of Teacher Education 4.Framework for Accreditation of Teacher Education 5.Networking for Teachers’ Professional development 6.Good practices of Teacher Education 7.Enhancing Status of Teachers 8.Supporting Strategic Sites for Teacher Development

6 1. Strategic framework for teacher education  Situation analysis of teacher education (Dec 06)  Strategic framework for teacher education and professional development (Dec 06)  Strategic framework for improving teacher education and professional standards in Pakistan (Jan 08)  Good Practices and International Trends of Accreditation (Feb 08)

7 2. Better Coordination  Creation / Strengthening of Coordination Mechanism of Teacher Education Institutions (On-going)  Development of Teacher Education Institution Directory(On-going)

8 3. Development of Standards of Teacher Education  Development of Teacher Standards (finalized) Provincial consultations  Quetta (10-11 Mar 08)  Karachi (13-14 Mar 08)  Peshawar (23-24 April 08)  Lahore (29-30 April 08)  Development of Teacher Education Standards (under development)

9 4. Framework for Accreditation of Teacher Education  Development of Guideline for Accreditation of Teacher Education Programmes and Institutions (Under development)  Roundtable on Teacher Accreditation (June 07)  National Seminar on “Standards and Accreditation of Teacher Education” (Aug 08)

10 5. Networking for Teachers’ Professional development  Various network for teachers’ professional development devised / activated. (On-going)

11 6. Good practices of Teacher Education  Documentation of Activities of Teacher Education in past and present (under Development)

12 7. Enhancing Status of Teachers  Development of Strategies to Enhance Status of Teachers (On going)  Advocacy and Sensitization events and media campaign (On going)

13 8. Supporting Strategic Sites for Teacher Development  Capacity Development Support for Key Teacher Education Institutions (On going)  Creation / Strengthening of Resource Centres for Teachers’ Professional Development (On going)

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