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Falcon Cove Middle School New Educator Support System New Educator Support System Created by Jeannie Dempsey 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Falcon Cove Middle School New Educator Support System New Educator Support System Created by Jeannie Dempsey 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Falcon Cove Middle School New Educator Support System New Educator Support System Created by Jeannie Dempsey 12

2 The Falcon Nest New Educator +Coach + Team Members +Department +NBCT + Administration = SUCCESS!!!!!

3 Our Ness Program Each new educator will be assigned a coach Meet with your coach each week and coach will keep a log of each meeting Monthly meetings with all new teachers and coaches - NESS Learning Community Coach will complete 4 peer observations- 1 each quarter You and your coach will complete 8 Learning Community Reflections

4 Weekly Meetings with your Coach Decide on a convenient time for both of you. Bring any questions or concerns Coach will document each meeting (This will be part of your NESS Folder)

5 Ness Learning Community Third Monday of the month All Coaches and New Educators Important and Relevant topics Guest speakers to help you with your requirements Bring your portfolios and coaching logs

6 4 Four-Step Observations  Prior to each peer observation, your coach will meet with you and together you will complete Step 1 of the Four-Step Observation. Step 1. Pre-observation Conference Step 2. Observation Step 3. Analyze and Interpret data Step 4. Post-observation Conference

7 The Peer Observation  The peer observation will be to observe and collect data.

8 Data Analysis  Your coach will examine the data after the observation to determine:  What data should be shared and how

9 Post-observation Conference  Share data and analyze identifiable patterns.  Identify behaviors to maintain/increase/reduce/eliminate.  Develop a strategy or action plan

10 State Competency Demonstration Checklist (CDC) ·A goal of NESS,Induction, is to rehire competent teachers. To be eligible for rehiring, new teachers need to complete requirements on the Statement of Status of Eligibility received from the State of Florida in a timely manner. This includes the CDC, Competency Demonstration Checklist.


12 Portfolio A requirement of NESS will be to create a portfolio demonstrating mastery of the state competencies.

13 NESS Folder CDC Checklist Weekly New Educator’s/ Coach’s Log Four 4-Step Observations 8 Learning Community Reflections

14 Cab Resources 1. On CAB, click on Instructional Resources 2. Under Instructional Resources, click on Teacher Development 3. Under Teacher Development, click on NESS

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