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A Data-Driven PD Marketplace for Education Learner Training.

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Presentation on theme: "A Data-Driven PD Marketplace for Education Learner Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Data-Driven PD Marketplace for Education Learner Training

2 Session Outcomes Participants will: Review the features of your BloomBoard Home Page. Review the goal setting function and practice setting a goal/SLO. Develop your own personalized learning plan by beginning your BloomList. Explore Resources to ‘ mine ’ personalized supports. Review the BloomBoard features necessary to participate in observations/meetings with your observer. Begin to Bloom!

3 What are the underlying values in your evaluation system? Data-driven decision making (analytics) Balancing evaluation and teacher development Compliance Collaboration (state/district/school, observer/observer, observer/teacher) Reflective practice Efficiency/Productivity Transparency Professional development Other?

4 Let ’ s Practice Finding Resources! Use the filtering tools to find appropriate resources in the Marketplace for the following scenarios: You are supporting the launch of the Common Core State Standards. Find a resource in the marketplace that you can use as a resource for you as you plan a professional development or that with your staff/teachers (either for your own information or to use directly with your staff/teachers). 10% of your staff consists of new teachers who you anticipate will encounter issues with basic classroom management. Find a resource that will be helpful to you as you support them as you coach them over the first few weeks of school. (Alternate for district leaders: You are planning your annual new teacher orientation. Find a resource that will be useful for this event.) Find a resource that will support a district/school site initiative for the coming school year. Recommend one of the resources you found to one or more of the teachers in your training account.

5 Thank You For Your Time

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