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To join, meet, or link. What are the roots that mean join, meet, or link?

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Presentation on theme: "To join, meet, or link. What are the roots that mean join, meet, or link?"— Presentation transcript:

1 to join, meet, or link

2 What are the roots that mean join, meet, or link?

3  the roots junct, join, and jug

4 What is the word that describes a place on the railroad where the tracks join together?

5  junction

6 What is the word that names the vein that joins the head and the heart?

7  jugular

8 What is the word that describes something that is not connected or doesn’t make any sense?

9  disjointed

10 What is the word that explains what you do when you meet up with someone?

11  join

12 What is the word that describes things that are connected together or combined?

13  conjoined

14 What is the word that names a word in a sentence that combines or joins other words or phrases into one sentence?

15  conjunction

16 What is the word that describes what you do when you meet up with someone again at a later time?

17  rejoin

18 What is the name of the group that represents members from both the Senate and the House of Representatives in United States government ?

19  joint committee

20 What is the word that labels a body part at which two bones come together so they can move ?

21  joint

22 What is the word that names listing all the forms of a verb ?

23  conjugate

24  Note!! None of these words are proper nouns! Do not capitalize these words unless it is the first word of a sentence!!!!

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