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Sustainable mobility and driving efficiently C armen Molina Navarro Coordinador of the Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable mobility and driving efficiently C armen Molina Navarro Coordinador of the Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable mobility and driving efficiently C armen Molina Navarro Coordinador of the Program

2 ¿What is Hogares Verdes Program? An initiative of the Association Columbares- financed by the fund Ikea Colabora- to raise awarenes of the society of Murcia on the impact of their daily habits on the environment.

3 1.Promoting a change of attitudes in different areas of the house (water, energy, transportation, waste, purchase, etc..) and 2.Proving that simple measures can achieve energy and cost savings without reducing the welfare and contribute simultaneously to the fight against climate change and improve environment. ¿What is Hogares Verdes Program?

4 1.Inform citizens about climate change issues: the nature, causes and foreseeable consequences. 2.Train and provide useful information for citizens to undertake initiatives to help mitigate the climate change phenomenon through the responsible use of energy. 3.Promote values ​​ and lifestyles compatible with moderate usage of resources. 4.Promote responsible actions: building of personal behaviors and effective collective measures for reducing polluting emissions. 5.Inform and raise awareness on different aspects related to the environment in one project: energy, water, waste and responsible consumption. Objectives of the Program

5 Plan of action: 1.Families: direct participation of 100 families of the region of Murcia. 2.Citizen groups: informative lectures for all kind of associations or interested groups. 3.Other activities: Domestic Ecology workshops, Eco-meetings, workshops for children, street activities, etc.

6 Families Direct impacts: 1.Reduce by 10% the production of house waste and increase recycling. 2.10% decrease in water consumption. 3.Reduce energy consumption by 10%. 4.8% reduction in CO2 emissions (the main cause of greenhouse effect). 5.Improve the economy of families through the responsible use of energy, transportation, shopping, leisure and work. 6.Improve the quality of life in cities through better management,of energy, waste...

7 Families What does the program offer? 1.Energy audit of the house. 2.Information, advice and tips for reducing energy and water consumption, waste production, improving mobility patterns and savings on bills. 3.Program materials: house saving kit, program license, magnet board with advices, manual of best practices, practical information... 4.Access to personal service of follow-up and consultation for one year, to explain concerns and help implement the tips on saving and efficient use of energy.

8 Families Obligations of the families Follow the instructions provided by the technicians of the program. Complete an initial questionnaire on water, energy, mobility and waste. Complete a final questionnaire on the same subjects. Provide data on house consumption of water and energy.


10 Sustainable mobility Mobility is defined as the number of movements of people and goods that are made in a certain place, whether these trips are made efficiently or not. Transport is the most energy-consuming sector in Spain, reaching 40% of the total. For its part, the private vehicle approximately 15% of the total. C0 2 emissions from the use of road transport vehicles is estimated to represent 48% of total emissions. In 2000 there were 700 million vehicles worldwide, an amount that will double, according to forecasts, by 2030.

11 Sustainable mobility Spain is the EU country most use the private car for journeys under 3 Km. In fact, around a third of all car journeys are less than 2 km. This is very inefficient in terms of resource consumption (energy), generation of emissions and for our economy.

12 Sustainable mobility Problems resulting from irresponsible use of private transport: 1.Increased CO 2 emissions and therefore direct effect on Climate Change. 2.Health problems arising from increased air and noise pollution and stress levels associated with jams and accidents. 3.Loss of usable space for the enjoyment of citizens. In the new urban development urban space occupied by mobility often results in more than 50%. 4.Increase in accidental deaths. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death in children under 50 years. 5.Reduced quality of life in cities. 6.In many cases, low economic performance.

13 Sustainable mobility All citizens have the ability to choose to support initiatives that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also improve our health and quality of life.

14 Sustainable mobility Recommendations to reduce the use of private vehicles: Avoid using the car for short distances. Do walking, your health will thank you too. If you dare, a bicycle can travel 5 or 6 miles in 20 minutes. Whenever possible, find an alternative to car use. Public transport is more efficient than private vehicles.

15 Sustainable mobility Recommendations to reduce the use of private vehicles: Most commuting is done with a single occupant. Try to organize with peers to share the car. When buying a new vehicle, choose a model to suit your needs and consider the data of consumption and CO 2 emissions. Efficient driving saves fuel and reduce emissions in 15%. Follow the advice we offer.

16 Sustainable mobility Examples of good practices:

17 Sustainable mobility Examples of good practices:

18 Sustainable mobility Examples of good practices: Barcelona Sevilla


20 BENEFITS: 1.Reducing fuel consumption. 2.Reducing environmental emissions. 3.Reduction of noise. 4.Reduction of repair costs and vehicle maintenance. 5.Improved driving safety. 6.Improved ride comfort.


22 1.Reducing fuel consumption. Average savings of 12 to 15% EFFICIENT DRIVING BENEFITS

23 2.Reduction of repair costs and vehicle maintenance. Brakes Clutch Gearbox Tyres Motor EFFICIENT DRIVING BENEFITS

24 3.Reducing environmental emissions. For every liter of gasoline or diesel fuel, 2.35 and 2.6 kg of CO 2, are produced, respectively. With eco-driving is estimated an average saving of CO 2 emissions by about 15%. European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) in 2001 estimated a potential reduction of CO 2 emissions thanks to efficient conduct of at least 50 million metric tons, equivalent to annual emissions of 15 million vehicles. EFFICIENT DRIVING BENEFITS

25 5.Improved driving safety. Because it is based on the following premises: Keep a safe distance than usual. Maintain a constant average speed. Driving ahead and anticipating maintaining adequate visual field. EFFICIENT DRIVING BENEFITS

26 6.Improved ride comfort. Reduces stress and aggression Increases comfort EFFICIENT DRIVING BENEFITS

27 EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 1.Starting without stepping on the accelerator 2.Minimize the use of the 1 st place 3.Circular gears as long as possible 4.Maintain a steady speed 5.Moderate speed 6.Increase the use of the shooting by the gear inertia 7.Turn off the engine at long stops 8.Tips on curves and movement in a caravan EFFICIENT DRIVING BENEFITS

28 EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 1.Starting without stepping on the accelerator The accelerator results in a higher fuel consumption and a mismatch of electronics. If the car is gasoline, we must immediately start up If the car is diesel, wait a few seconds

29 2. Minimize the use of the 1 st place The shorter the gears, the greater the fuel consumption. The 1 st gear ratio is used only to set in motion the vehicle. The 1 st gear is changed to 2 nd at 2 seconds or at 6 meters walked. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

30 3. Circular gears as long as possible The longer the go, the lower the consumption. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

31 Gearshift EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 3. Circular gears as long as possible

32 Progression in Speed ​​ (from the 2 nd): If the movement is fluid, it changes to 3 rd, speeds up to 50-60 km / h and is passed directly to 5 ª. If heavy traffic, speeds in 2 nd and 4 th is passed. Immediately after the completion of change has to be accelerated so fast. Some cars have a gear shift indicators, which show the time to be changed to achieve more efficient driving. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 3. Circular gears as long as possible

33 Ups and downs Uploading Delay as possible the reduction gears, increasing pressure on the accelerator, without actually stepping on to the bottom. Runs Circular in higher gears, using as much of the shooting by inertia. It could be possible to shift gears in a lower number of revolutions. If the car is much faster, brake gently and only when absolutely necessary, reduce to a lower gear. Never down in neutral. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 3. Circular gears as long as possible

34 4. Maintain a steady speed Advantages Fuel savings Reducing emissions Improving road safety Increased traffic flow in Increased passenger comfort EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

35 Fuel savings and emissions reduction (the power required to drive at constant speed is very low) By accelerating use the fuel energy to propel the car. When braking, some of this energy is wasted, especially with sudden stops (brakes are heated by the transformation of the propulsion energy to heat.) Therefore, a repeated acceleration and braking need lots of energy, with a consequent increase in fuel consumption. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 4. Maintain a steady speed

36 Most cars only need 5 kW of power for driving at a constant speed of 50 km / h. A 120 km / h, the amount of power required increases to approximately 25 kW. 90% (or more) of the left engine power is only used in the acceleration of the vehicle or to drive at very high speeds. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 4. Maintain a steady speed

37 Techniques to maintain a steady speed Higher gear at low engine speed and throttle pedal to ¾ of its travel. To anticipate the traffic: Controlling a field of vision of at least 3 vehicles in front and looking alternately greater or lesser distance. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

38 Keep a safe distance: –30 meters when traveling at 50 km / h. –80 meters when traveling at 100 km / h. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES Techniques to maintain a steady speed

39 Devices that can help Cruise control: acts on the throttle, keeping a constant speed. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

40 Trip Computer: Shows the average fuel consumption and instantaneous fuel. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES Devices that can help

41 Econometer: for measuring fuel consumption. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES Devices that can help

42 5. Moderate speed Advantages Reducing fuel consumption. –The consumption of the vehicle increases with quadratic form respect to speed. –Example: going from 100 to 120 km / h (speed increase of 20%) an increase in fuel consumption by 44%. Emission reduction. Increase road safety. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

43 Technique to reduce speed Try not to exceed the speed of 100-120 km / h. Devices that can help Cruise control Speed ​​ limiters EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 5. Moderate speed

44 6. Increase the use of the shooting by the gear inertia To slow (or stop), we must lift off the throttle and let the vehicle roll by its own momentum with the gear. Under these conditions the consume of the vehicle is zero. If necessary, the brake smoothly and ultimately reduce gear. Do not leave the car in neutral, it is dangerous and increases consumption. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

45 The car inject approximately 0.5 to 0.7 l / h of fuel to maintain idle or neutral. The movement of the wheels to leave the car running with the progress, keeps the engine running, and above20 km / h the fuel consumption is zero. Advantages Reduced brake wear and maintenance costs. Emission reduction. Increase road safety, traffic flow and convenience of travelers. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 6. Increase the use of the shooting by the gear inertia

46 7. Turn off the engine at long stops Fuel consumption at idle is 0.5 - 0.7 l / h, so turn off the engine resulting in fuel savings. Recommendation: Turn the engine stops over 1 min. Frequent stops do not harm the motor. But don’t forget: Energy efficiency should never take precedence over safety. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

47 8. Tips on curves and movement in a caravan Curves Slow foot off the accelerator and letting the vehicle roll by its own momentum with the gear. You can serve the braking deceleration smoothly and ultimately will reduce gear. During the course of the curve, the gas will remain in a stable position. At the end of it, will continue the normal process of acceleration. You shouldn’t hit the brakes before to reach the curve, it’s better reducing gears and accelerate in the path. Hit the brakes increases the cost of the fuel and the risk of accident. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES

48 Caravan Circular gear as possible, taking advantage of the inertia of the car. Avoid speeding and stopped repeatedly. EFFICIENT DRIVING TECHNIQUES 8. Tips on curves and movement in a caravan

49 MANAGEMENT OF VEHICLE ACCESSORIES 1.Additional weight 2.Aerodynamics 3.Correct tire pressure 4.Accessories that increase fuel consumption 5.The energy label vehicle EFFICIENT DRIVING

50 1.Additional weight Vehicle weight increases fuel consumption. An extra charge of 100 kg in a mid-range vehicle of 1,500 kg, is an extra consumption of around 7%. The additional weight a vehicle must be minimized. EFFICIENT DRIVING MANAGEMENT OF VEHICLE ACCESSORIES

51 2. Aerodynamics The aerodynamics of the vehicle affects fuel consumption and emissions. The elements that are opposed to the aerodynamics of the vehicle are: Car luggage rack: at a speed of 100km / h it produces an increase of fuel consumption 20% Bicycles in the top Large antennas Open windows (100 km / h leads to an increase in consumption of 5%) EFFICIENT DRIVING MANAGEMENT OF VEHICLE ACCESSORIES


53 3. Correct tire pressure The loss of tire pressure has negative effects: Increases fuel consumption, because it increases rolling resistance. Reduces security because it lowers the firm grip during braking. EFFICIENT DRIVING MANAGEMENT OF VEHICLE ACCESSORIES

54 4. Accessories that increase fuel consumption Air conditioning Approximately 10% increases fuel consumption and, in cases of high temperature, up to 20%. Recommendation: moderate temperature around 25 º C. Lighting lamps and heated rear window Increase between 2 and 3% fuel consumption. Recommendation: turn them off when not needed EFFICIENT DRIVING MANAGEMENT OF VEHICLE ACCESSORIES

55 5. The energy label vehicle Energy Labeling in EU (OBLIGATORY): informs about fuel consumption and the amount of CO 2 emissions. Energy labeling in Spain (VOLUNTARY): comparative consumption information of the vehicle with average fuel consumption of vehicles in its class. EFFICIENT DRIVING MANAGEMENT OF VEHICLE ACCESSORIES

56 Red > average consumer Yellow = average consumer Green < the average consumption 5. The energy label vehicle

57 THAT’S ALL FOR TODAY! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Questions? Comments? Advices? Carmen Molina Navarro +34 968824142

58 Other presentations we can organize: - Recycling and responsible consumption. - Climate Change, saving water and energy in house. Carmen Molina Navarro +34 968824142

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