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Please note: this session is being recorded. Welcome to Blackboard Collaborate Before we start: 1. Please check your audio is working: Tools > Audio >

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Presentation on theme: "Please note: this session is being recorded. Welcome to Blackboard Collaborate Before we start: 1. Please check your audio is working: Tools > Audio >"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please note: this session is being recorded. Welcome to Blackboard Collaborate Before we start: 1. Please check your audio is working: Tools > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard 2. Say hello to the group 3. Please introduce yourself in the chat room 4. If you dont have a video camera you can upload a photo of yourself. Click the button to the right of your name & choose Edit Profile. 5. If you want to download and print out the PowerPoint slides for this session you can do so

2 Please note: this session is being recorded. Can everyone hear me ok? Please use the tick and cross buttons to let me know

3 Please note: this session is being recorded. Using the Interface Audio – click [Talk] only when talking Emoticons (approval etc.) Set status to Away Raise your hand Polling Chatting TIP: Hold your mouse over buttons to see what they do

4 Please note: this session is being recorded. Where do you live? Elsewhere Use the star in the whiteboard tools panel

5 Please note: this session is being recorded. What are 2-3 things you can use the whiteboard for? Use the text box in the whiteboard tools panel to add your contributions below

6 Please note: this session is being recorded. Who has used web conferencing before? Please use the tick or cross to let me know Then you can clear your response or wait for me to clear the responses

7 Please note: this session is being recorded. Audio – introduce yourself to the group Please raise your hand to speak I will ask each person to speak in turn When I do this click on the [Talk] button. When the [Talk] button has a blue microphone others can hear you: Introduce yourself to the group and tell us what you do, what experience youve had with web conferencing (if any) and what you want to get out of todays session. Click [Talk] again to turn off your mic when youve finished

8 Please note: this session is being recorded. How to upload files I will now share my screen with you to show you how to upload files that are sent to the participants

9 Please note: this session is being recorded. Example of a poll I will now share my screen with you to show you how to change the poll type to an ABC response and then post the response data to the whiteboard

10 Please note: this session is being recorded. Q. Do you think you would use polls with your students? A.Yes B.No C.Im not sure

11 Please note: this session is being recorded. Breakout groups You can use breakout groups to allow people to collaborate in smaller teams. You can : –assign people to groups randomly –manually move users in to groups –allow people to join a group

12 Please note: this session is being recorded. Web tour Good for: Showing videos – video plays on each participants own computer independently. Case studies – students can navigate the website Example: Blackboard Collaborate introduction video (start from 5)

13 Please note: this session is being recorded. Share an application Good for: Showing how to use a program Pointing out a particular part of a website Showing a particular part of a video Example: Blackboard Collaborate introduction video (start from 5)

14 Please note: this session is being recorded. Any final questions? Post these on the chat window or Raise your hand to talk

15 Please note: this session is being recorded. Thank you If youd like to applaud now you can do so using the emoticons

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