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Point of View Different uses of tense in I Am the Cheese.

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Presentation on theme: "Point of View Different uses of tense in I Am the Cheese."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point of View Different uses of tense in I Am the Cheese

2 Three Stories Happening at Once Adam riding his bike to Vermont Adam talking with Brint Adam’s past tense life Why? This is a clever technique because Cormier is writing a suspense novel. By creating three separate plot structures, he allows the reader to find out small bits of information at a time.

3 Overall Message The government is corrupt and that its citizens are puppets in a much larger plan You do not know who you can trust.

4 Exposition The exposition of a plot is the place where the reader is introduced to the main character and any important information to understand what is presently occurring

5 Three Strands Present-tense narrated by Adam in first person(15 chapters) Present-tense transcripts of interview tapes Past-tense memories of Adam in third person No strand contains direct references to the other, but characters and plot elements overlap

6 The Tapes Brint interrogates Adam to try and see what Adam can remember about his past Brint tends to steer interviews toward topics of his choosing

7 Adam’s Memories Under Brint’s interrogation, Adam remembers several key incidents of his past

8 Adam’s Bike Ride In the present-tense sections of the novel, Adam continues his bike ride toward Rutterburg, Vermont, to bring his father a gift

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