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Prior Knowledge. Tapping the Real Potential of One-to-One Computing Cheryl Lemke CEO, Metiri Group

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Presentation on theme: "Prior Knowledge. Tapping the Real Potential of One-to-One Computing Cheryl Lemke CEO, Metiri Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prior Knowledge



4 Tapping the Real Potential of One-to-One Computing Cheryl Lemke CEO, Metiri Group

5 The Day 8:30 am Introductions – Orientation for the Day – Expectation: Scenarios Three things about you, technology, and learning, one of which is a lie! 8:45 am An Interactive Session: “The Untapped Potential of 1 to 1 Learning” 9:30 am Searching for The Best Fit – elements: The Possibilities (What Works) The RFP The Lakeland Catholic Vision (Data – Challenges – Plans) 10:15 amSummary – Break

6 The Day 10:30 am Project 3 years into the future. Form small groups. Write a scenario in your projected “day in the life successful 1 to 1 learning.” Group Discussion: »Share each scenario »Hone in on the innovations—the differentiators. 11:30 amSummary: What is emerging as the innovation? Which is the Preferred Theme: –Enhancing teaching and learning for specific student populations »OR –Improving student learning in targeted areas. 12:00 pm Summary – Next Steps Research Reviews Background/ Data Sets Community input

7 Finding The Right Fit The Lakeland Catholic Vision The 1 to 1 Learning Opportunity The RFP Window The Fit

8 Contemporary Technologies 21st Century Learning Cognitive Sciences RESEARCH

9 Contemporary Technologies 21st Century Learning Cognitive Sciences RESEARCH

10 Web-based Integrated Science Environment

11 WISE Web-based Integrated Science Environment

12 Is it Malpractice? A.No, absolutely not! B.Yes, definitely! C.Yes, but …

13  Students write more when using computers  Students using computers to write revise more, get and receive feedback more frequently, and receive teacher feedback earlier in the process  The quality of the writing is improved significantly

14  Controlled, rigorous study  Harvest Park Middle School, Pleasanton, CA  Laptop students significantly outscored the non-laptop students in mathematics and English language arts

15 Cognitive Tutor Full course - software, books, other materials 3 days cooperative problem solving 2 days individual skill building Long-term gains sustained

16 2003 Moore Schools (OK) Study Results on ETS exam by Teacher (Tradition vs Cognitive Tutor) 1 2 3 5 6 4

17 Read 180 Vanderbilt University

18 Fast Forword

19 Average Reader Left Adapted from Temple et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, 2003 Dyslexic, before Fast ForWord Dyslexic, after Fast ForWord Cortical areas critical for reading

20 Contemporary Technologies 21st Century Learning Cognitive Sciences RESEARCH

21 Hawaii Student Team Project

22 Cognitive Sciences - Three Principles - Student Learning with Understanding - Metacognitive Strategies Engaged - Prior Knowledge Made Visible

23 Contemporary Technologies 21st Century Learning Cognitive Sciences RESEARCH

24 Authenticity Real-World Artificial Productivity Tools Expression/ Visualization Complexity Basic Skills Instruction Constructivist Didactic Coaching High Order Thinking eCommunications Video/Audio/Data Online Environments Technology in Schools: A Range of Use Online Research Problem Solving w/ Data Sets, Probes, etc. Simulations Online Courses Integrated Learning System Drill & Practice

25 Contemporary Technologies 21st Century Learning Cognitive Sciences RESEARCH

26 bb Digital-Age Literacy Inventive Thinking Effective Communication High Productivity Academic Achievement Academic Achievement enGauge 21 st Century Skills Basic, Scientific, and Technological Literacies Visual and Information Literacies Cultural Literacy and Global Awareness Adaptability/Managing Complexity and Self-Direction Curiosity, Creativity, and Risk-taking Higher-order Thinking and Sound Reasoning Teaming, Collaboration, and Interpersonal Skills Personal and Social Responsibility Interactive Communication Ability to Prioritize, Plan, and Manage for Results Effective Use of Real-world Tools Relevant, High-quality Products

27 Self-Directed Learning set goals related to learning, plan for the achievement of those goals, independently manage time and effort independently assess the quality of learning and any products

28 Grades based on progress and effort Student-led conferencing Hints vs. answers Scaffolding Opportunities to consult Authentic work Stories of effort Opportunities to rework and revise To Promote Self-Direction

29 Focusing on test scores and grades Assessing students-not work Praising intelligence Unnecessary review Too much direction To Inhibit Self-Direction

30 Are you self-directed?

31 Visual Learning - Concept Mapping

32 A Focus on Authentic Learning Relevance beyond the school day Disciplined Inquiry Knowledge Production

33 21st Century Learning

34 Geometry & Architecture

35 Assign Intellectually Stimulating Work Relevance Beyond School Disciplined Inquiry Knowledge Construction

36 Quality of Assignments Counts Source: Improving Chicago’s Schools, Fred Newman 2001


38 3 Approaches to Integration Identify and celebrate current exemplars Add new dimensions to existing lessons Replace units with high tech alternates

39 Contemporary Technologies 21st Century Learning Cognitive Sciences

40 Working on the Work (Schlechty) Authentic Engagement Ritual Engagement Passive Compliance Retreatism Rebellion

41 Finding The Right Fit The Lakeland Catholic Vision The 1 to 1 Learning Opportunity The RFP Window The Fit

42 The Day 8:30 am Introductions – Orientation for the Day – Expectation: Scenarios Three things about you, technology, and learning, one of which is a lie! 8:45 am An Interactive Session: “The Untapped Potential of 1 to 1 Learning” 9:30 am Searching for The Best Fit – elements: The Possibilities (What Works) The RFP The Lakeland Catholic Vision (Data – Challenges – Plans) 10:15 amSummary – Break



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