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Skillful Servals BY: Colton. Habitat  Live in savannas  Like to be close to water  Black servals live in high region of Kenya  Like bamboo thickets.

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Presentation on theme: "Skillful Servals BY: Colton. Habitat  Live in savannas  Like to be close to water  Black servals live in high region of Kenya  Like bamboo thickets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skillful Servals BY: Colton

2 Habitat  Live in savannas  Like to be close to water  Black servals live in high region of Kenya  Like bamboo thickets

3 Appearance  Has long legs  It’s medium sized  Has small head and big ears  Fur is orange\gold brown  Claws stay sharp  22in. at shoulder  Servals weight goes up to 18-45  They have spots and other designs  Stripes across the eyes

4 Eating Habits  Carnivore  Insects, reptiles and birds  Like hooking out fish from nearby steams  When they feel like it they hunt springbok  On special occasions‘ they stalk antelope

5 Behavior and other facts!  Come out mainly at night  Can pounce a mouse 20ft away  Lives mainly by itself  Plays with food before eating

6 Serval pics Serval pics

7 Resources  Patz Meow Cattery html html html  Kartoo  Google navclient&aq=0h&oq=serv&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS268US269&q=serval s+eating navclient&aq=0h&oq=serv&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS268US269&q=serval s+eating navclient&aq=0h&oq=serv&ie=UTF- 8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS268US269&q=serval s+eating

8 Thank you for watching  Warning: do not hunt Servals ! credits Director: : me there all me ! Producer : me Pictures : me

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