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Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer Consortium Meeting, June 99, BU Recent Progress a Summary of Progress during the last six months Matthew Whyndham.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer Consortium Meeting, June 99, BU Recent Progress a Summary of Progress during the last six months Matthew Whyndham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer Consortium Meeting, June 99, BU Recent Progress a Summary of Progress during the last six months Matthew Whyndham

2 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT2 Recent Progress zDec 98 US Partner Selection zJan 99 Consortium Meeting (NRL) zMar 99Solar-B mission kick-off meeting (ISAS) ychoice of EIS configuration ychoice of wavelength ranges zApr, May 99optical design evolution zMay 99Engineering Meeting (NRL)

3 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT3 US Partner Selection zAll three Solar-B scientific payloads have US contributions yAll instruments have Japanese PIs zSOT - S. Tsuneta yFPIP : Alan Title - LMATC zXRT - K. Shibasaki yLeon Golub - SAO zEIS - T. Watanabe yLen Culhane - MSSL/UCL, BU, RAL + science team yGeorge Doschek - NRL, GSFC

4 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT4 Mission Kick-Off Meeting zIntroduction of Solar-B main players : ISAS, NAO, MELCO, instrument groups zConcept of J-side PI/secretariat team zMission philosophy, Master Schedule zSpacecraft Engineering Overview zInstrument Team design sessions zEIS Actions on the web

5 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT5 Choice of configuration yStrawman/baseline - xoff-axis paraboloid x1 reflection + grating xhigh throughput xexcellent spectral resolution yNRL proposal xCassegrain x2 reflections + grating xhigh spatial resolution NB: a 1.5 m RC radius was actually proposed

6 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT6 Choice of configuration (2) zCassegrain or OAP? zTechnical drivers xfeasibility, cost physical resources disturbance torque xStructure, Optics, Detectors, Electronics zLine lists + Effective areas = useful lines in QS, AR, Flare zConsider relative value ySpatial Resolution yCount-rate/throughput zDecision-making panel ISAS, NAOJ, NASA, NRL, PPARC/MSSL zThroughput (OAP) given priority

7 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT7 Choice of wavelength ranges xA large number of wavebands were thoroughly studied wavelength reports on website (Solar-B EIS > documents > Science > Science Notes) EIS 400 - Transition region –use of novel Si/Sc multilayer –rejected at January meeting on grounds of technical immaturity of multilayer Left with Baseline, NRL1, NRL2 xAt March meeting, decided to go with Baseline+NRL1 Short wavelength band: 170-210 Å Long wavelength band: 250-290 Å Bands are tuned to accept laboratory calibration lines Consistent with ML bandpass strong preference not to overlap in same space : prefer to have stacked spectra (á la SOHO-CDS) on the web

8 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT8 Optical design evolution yNRL/GSFC - produce OAP design xprioritize spectral resolution ximprove spatial resolution where possible yNRL/MSSL series of teleconferences some Minutes online xdiscuss progress and direction of optical design need for engineer-level round-table interaction NRL Opto-mechanical engineering meeting yPreferred design EIS-7T details circulated by FTP 7 May 99 xone of a series of optimisations xsmall toroidal grating - low risk & more vendor choice xgrating magnification - short spectrometer section - add telescope length improve spatial resolution on the web

9 Solar-B E I S EUV Imaging Spectrometer 14-15 June '99 (BU) Consortium Meeting 9906 - Summary of Progress - MWT9 Opto-mechanical engineering meeting Outputs yNRL/GSFC - reduce length by 10 cm - issue new optical layout yEIS7Tr reduced yBU/MSSL - iterate structural concept, use sectional construction - include radiator placement - camera update yother actions A.66-A.90 see EIS-meet-cons-9905mins Meeting Objectives yUS, UK, J involvement yreview NRL/GSFC work to date yapprove the criteria and results (e.g. resolution) yreview subsystem technology & designs items connected with main instrument ysuggest ideal placement yiterate before BU consortium meeting on the web

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