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Appear in IEEE TDSC 2008 Presented by Wei-Cheng Xiao.

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Presentation on theme: "Appear in IEEE TDSC 2008 Presented by Wei-Cheng Xiao."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appear in IEEE TDSC 2008 Presented by Wei-Cheng Xiao

2  Introduction  Proposed hybrid P2P botnet  Two classes of bots  Command and control  Botmaster's monitoring  Botnet construction  Botnet robustness study  Defences against the proposed botnet  Discussions  Summary

3  Most of current research focuses on existing botnets.  Studying current botnets is important, but not enough.  Botmasters may upgrade their future botnets.  It is necessary to conduct research on possible advanced future botnets.  How botnets will evolve?  How can we defend future botnets?

4  Phatbot utilizes Gnutella cache servers for the bootstrap process.  Easy to shut down or block  Sinit removes the bootstrap procedure and uses random probing to find other bots.  Poor connectivity  Slapper does not implement command encryption and authentication.  Easy to hijack

5  Proposed a hybrid P2P botnet with the following features  Two classes of bots – servent and client  Command authentication and individualized encryption  Limited-sized peer lists  Dynamically changeable sensor for bots monitoring  No bootstrap procedure  Balanced and robust connectivity  Analyzed several possible defences against this botnet

6  Servent (server + client) bot  Public static IP address  Client bot  Dynamic IP, private IP, behind firewalls…  Only servents appear in the peer list.  Servents act as C&C servers.  Contains much more C&C servers than other botnets do

7  Command authentication  Digital signature  Prevent hijacking  Individualized command encryption key  Symmetric encryption is used instead.  Each bot keeps a list of tuples (IP i, K i, P i ) in its peer list.  Messages between bots and servent i are encrypted with the key K i.

8  Individualized service port  Each servent i picks port P i for communication.  The port can be randomly selected or chosen from standard encryption port like SSH (22), HTTPS (443), IMAPS (993), etc.  Benefits for botmasters  Prevent hijacking  No global exposure if some bots are captured  Dispersed network traffic, difficult to detect

9  Botmasters need to know  Bot ID (used to find NAT and DHCP)  Bot population, connectivity, bandwidth, diurnal dynamics, …  IP address types (DHCP ones can be used for spam)  Challenges – monitoring should be easy for botmasters but difficult for defenders.  Monitor via dynamically changeable sensors  Each bot sends its information to one or some sensors after receiving the report command.  A botmaster can change the role of sensors each time she issues the report command.

10  A botnet is networked by peer lists.  There are some initial servent bots.  New infection  Bot A passes its peer list to B when infecting B.  A and B may add each other into their lists.  Reinfection (A infects B)  B updates its list based on A's list.  Reinfection improves connectivity.  A cannot get B's list (prevent recursive infection).

11  The updating procedure  It is triggered by the update command.  Every bot gets an updated peer list from a specified sensor.  Benefits  Balance the connectivity  Reconnect broken botnets  Risks  Expose parts of the botnet to defenders

12  20,000 bots, including 5000 servents  Peer list size = 20.  The peer-list updating procedure runs once when 1000 servents are infected.  Connection degree  300 ~ 500 for the first 1000 servents  20 ~ 30 for the rest


14 Formula: C(p) = 1 - p M

15  Annihilation  Attack initial bots  Quick detection is required for defenders.  Attack servents  It is easier to attack if the # of servent is small.  Use the honeypot techniques  Defenders can pretend to be servents and then shut down the botnet.  Large amount of defenders are required because the botnet can survive with 20% servents left.

16  Opportunities  Collect information as bots reporting themselves to sensors  Know the target in an attack command and try to prevent the attack  Get peer list during peer-list updating


18  I = 20000, # of bots  K = 1000, # of servents before peer- list updating  M = 20, peer list size  n: # of honeypots

19  K = 1000, # of servents used in peer- list updating  M = 20, peer list size  x: # of infection attempts

20  Detecting honeypots is important for botmasters.  Shutting down a botnet is harder than monitoring it.  The centralized sensor hosts are not as week as C&C servers in other botnets.  Connectivity maintenance and C&C communication is separated.

21  It is important to be well prepared for such possible attack in the future.  A robust P2P botnet is proposed.  Two classes of bots  Command authentication and individualized encryption and service port  Botmaster's monitoring capability  Botnet construction  The botnet robustness is studied.  Honeypot-based defences are analyzed.

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