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2013-2014 Allison King & Don Guin.  Welcome to 5 th Grade!  There is a folder for each student in the crates outside the door. Please find your child’s.

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Presentation on theme: "2013-2014 Allison King & Don Guin.  Welcome to 5 th Grade!  There is a folder for each student in the crates outside the door. Please find your child’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013-2014 Allison King & Don Guin

2  Welcome to 5 th Grade!  There is a folder for each student in the crates outside the door. Please find your child’s folder, by looking for their name alphabetically on the folder’s label. You may begin completing forms inside. You may place any supplies you have in the back closet.  Thanks for being here! We will begin shortly.

3  Daily Scheduling: Students will have Mrs. King for Language Arts (Reading, English, & Spelling) and Mr. Guin for Math, Social Studies, and Science. If your child has Mrs. King for homeroom, they will have Language Arts in the morning and Math/SS/Science in the afternoon. If your student has Mr. Guin for homeroom, he/she will have Math/SS/Science in the morning and Language Arts in the afternoon.  P.E./ Planning: 9:25-10:10 (King & Guin)  Snack: 9:10-9:25 (King & Guin)  Lunch: 11:31-11:54(King) 11:33-11:56 (Guin)

4  Lockers may be purchased between the dates of Aug. 19-21 for the cost of $10.00. Students will not share a locker.  Lunch tickets- Please load your child’s lunch ticket with at least two weeks worth of meals at a time. There will be NO CHARGES! Also, please be aware that no carbonated beverages and no fast food lunches are allowed in the lunchroom.  Student Lunch: $2.00Visitor Lunch: $ 3.00  Student Breakfast: $1.00 Extra milk: $0.35  INow: Allows you to access your child’s grades and attendance from home. The cost is $10.00 per student, $10.00 max per family per school.  Please consider making a requested $20.00 per family donation to our school. This helps with administrative costs and technology. Classroom donations may be given at a later date if desired.

5  S.O.A.R. is our school-wide discipline plan. Each child begins the nine weeks with 100 points. Students may lose points based on behavior. Those with a S.O.A.R. total of 90 or more at the end of the nine weeks will be able to attend the S.O.A.R. party  Students may earn points back by attending morning detention for two days following an offense (7:10- 7:45).  Changes for this year- All offenses are 10 points. At 80 points, parents will be contacted. At 70 points (or after 3 S.O.A.R. notes), students will serve 3 days of ISS. Students will be given three behavior checks in a week before a SOAR note is issued. All S.O.A.R. notes must be signed by a parent and returned.  More information about the S.O.A.R. program is in your orientation folder.

6  You should have received a supply list with your letter in the mail. If you need another one, please see either of us. These are the supplies your student will need for the school year for both classes. While supply costs are lower at retailers, please consider buying extra supplies so that you can replenish your student if needed. All students should be prepared with their supplies each day.  Students will receive a progress report once every nine weeks (Usually right at the halfway mark). Progress Reports must be signed and returned to school.

7  Before any medication can be administered, the school must have a completed Medical Authorization Form on file. This will be found in the county’s code of conduct booklet. If the medication is for less than 30 days, a parent may sign. However, if the medication will be taken for 30 days or more, then a physician must sign the form also,. Please always give the first dose at home in case of an allergic reaction.

8  Please try to ensure that your child attends school every day possible and arrives on time to school each day. Between 7:45- 7:55, students will come directly to their homeroom classroom after visiting their locker if need be. Students are tardy after 7:55  Absences: Written excuses must be sent to the child’s homeroom teacher upon return to school. The school will classify the absence as “excused” or “unexcused” Excused Absences will allow a student to make-up missed work. If an excuse is not sent in upon a child’s return, the absence will automatically be coded as “unexcused”.

9  Collection of Money: Make checks payable to “D.P.E.S.” Please place your child’s name and the homeroom teacher’s name in the memo line. We have a new bookkeeping program this year. All money must be turned in between 7:45-8:00 to the homeroom teacher. No money will be taken throughout the day in the front office.  End-of-the-Day: Every child should know each morning how they are getting home. Each family should also discuss a rainy-day plan. Changes in transportation must be submitted to the front office in writing. School dismissal is as follows:  Car Riders and 1 st Load Buses- 2:50  Day Care Vans/ YMCA- 3:00  2 nd Load Buses- 3:10  Walkers and Bike Riders- 3:10

10  Students will have a take-home folder that they bring home each Thursday. It will have all of the week’s necessary information as well as any graded papers that have been passed out for each of our classes. Graded papers need to be signed and retuned to class, but school fliers and information should be kept at home. The folder will also include a discipline log where we will notate if SOAR points were lost. Please look for this folder each week, as it will serve as our communication with you. Students will be responsible for returning the folder to class on Friday of each week. Failure to do so will result in no game day/ Fun Friday.

11  Students will have snack each day before P.E. This will be a “break” type snack outside. They may bring snack and juice from home or may buy them here at school. Snacks and drinks range from $.25-$.75 each.  Our school supply store is open each morning from 7:45-8:00. Students can buy almost any item they could need in the store. It is located on the main hallway, between the yellow and green halls.

12  Students may check books out from the library at any time. 5 th Graders are allowed to check out 2 books at a time, and keep them for 2 weeks at a time. Students are only permitted to check out books within their reading levels. $.05 per day late fines are assessed after the 2 weeks check-out period.  Students will visit Music class once every two weeks this year.  Daniel Pratt has two new computer labs this year and students will be visiting them on a weekly basis.

13  Currently Planned Field Trips: Birmingham Children's’ Theater- Dec. 10, 2014 “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” & lunch at Cici’s. Cost- about $20 per person American Village- March 7, 2014 American History acted out- students bring sack lunch. Cost- about $15 per person Atlanta– May 2, 2014 Includes World of Coke, Aquarium, and lunch at the Varsity. Cost- about $98 per person

14  Each day students should wear shoes that are acceptable for PE play.  Please refer to the dress code outlined for our school in the handbook. Students may not wear:  Spaghetti Strap or Strapless tops.  Shorts or skirts that are more than three inches above the knee.  Clothing that is too tight or too revealing

15  Allison King- 5 th Grade Language Arts (334) 361-6400  Don Guin- 5 th Grade Math, Social Studies, & Science (334) 361-6400 We look forward to having your children in our classes this year, and getting to know all of you. Any General Questions?

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