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Hilary Emery Executive Director
The 21st Century school system: professional development for the children’s workforce in schools Hilary Emery Executive Director for Development and Improvement 27 November, 2009 1
The TDA’s role as set out in the Secretary of State’s letter, September 2004
Highlighted 4 areas for action: i) bringing coherence to the occupational and professional standards used throughout the school workforce; ii) providing clear, high quality guidance to schools on CPD and human resources and giving leadership to local authorities in these areas; iii) monitoring the quality and coverage of CPD in regions and subjects and helping to shape national CPD strategy and priorities year-on-year; and iv) co-ordinating specific CPD programmes, where appropriate. 2
The TDA’s role: Education Act 2005
TDA’s objectives: to contribute to raising the standards of teaching and of other activities carried out by the school workforce, to promote careers in the school workforce, to improve the quality and efficiency of all routes into the school workforce, to secure the involvement of schools in all courses and programmes for the initial training of teachers. TDA required to “have regard, in particular, to the desirability of securing that the school workforce is well fitted and trained”. 3
TDA advice and guidance 2005-2006
Definition of CPD: “a planned and sustained series of activities, designed to improve a teachers’ knowledge and skills”(TDA, 2005). TDA’s CPD Strategy for Teachers 2006 focused on: i) Stimulating informed demand for CPD through revised performance management arrangements and the new framework of professional standards for teachers. ii) Bringing coherence to CPD by working with stakeholders, providing leadership to local authorities and providing guidance to schools so that messages are consistent and priorities are agreed. iii) Ensuring that the range, variety, coverage and quality of CPD meets the needs of schools and is fit for purpose. In parallel published strategy development of the wider workforce “Developing people to support learning”. 4
Some highlights since then…
Development of framework of professional standards for teachers, the NOS for staff supporting teaching & learning, and professional standards for HLTAs - majority of teachers are using the standards in performance management (PM). Guidance on effective CPD and its evaluation and national CPD database. With National College, developed a national programme for CPD leaders, established a network of CPD leaders in LAs, and trained nearly 400 local CPD champions to support schools. Through “The State of the Nation” and other research established a baseline of current practice and arrangements for future monitoring Supported postgraduate PD programmes, worked with others to develop training and development routes for the wider workforce, and started developing the MTL. 5
21st Century Schools System - white paper vision
Builds on Every Child Matters and the commitment to personalised learning Schools working in partnership through clusters – critical role of school leaders Excellent teaching meeting needs - Pupil and Parent Guarantees, personal tutors, one to one tuition Local and central government setting vision, direction, commissioning services and accountability- extended services Well-led, highly skilled workforce - increased collaboration through Children’s Trusts 6
The Pupil and Parent Guarantees
Extended services including support and advice on parenting Parent’s views on quality of schools Personal Tutors School performance and improvement One-to-one tuition in English or mathematics Swift and easy access to support 14-19 choices Childcare (primary) High-quality activities in school and out of school hours
Extended services are key to delivering the vision – managing the complexity is a critical factor in their effectiveness 8 8
The 2020 Workforce Strategy identified priorities for reform
Integrated working to improve outcomes – clarity about who and when; strengthen evidence base; encourage multi-agency training; quality support materials; review of regulation to remove barriers Leadership & management: Leadership programmes for DCSs and aspirant DCSs; NCSL led group to develop proposals for middle leaders; talent management programme supporting interchange between future leaders Shared values and common skills and knowledge: refresh the Common Core of Skills and Knowledge so that contains key skills everyone needs and is the basis for training in all parts of the workforce Working with and supporting parents: Common core to include new material on partnership with parents; improving quality of parenting skills support (by NAPP) Qualifications, training and progression: improvements in sectors; explain how Integrated Qualifications Framework will bring coherence, flexibility & common standards Recruitment: joint recruitment strategy from CWDC/TDA; promote children’s workforce as a career option through IAG in schools and to graduates Evidence & data: knowledge bank of workforce evidence (addressing gaps); coherence in data collection; understand supply issues for all parts of workforce (currently just teaching) Vulnerable groups: ensuring workforce delivers for vulnerable group will be a key ambition of National Partnership and in implementation. Hope to develop differentiated skill framework. Clear strong arrangements for local leadership: CT legislation to include workforce plan as part of CYPP; support for CTs through CWDC Workforce Reform tool kit and from CWDC/TDA/NCSL joint local support offer.
Roles and responsibilities
Central government: Set direction and drive improvement Children’s Trusts/local authorities: Strengthen commissioning Accountability and intervention to address poor performance Seek and take account of parents’ and children’s views Local authorities: Drive school improvement Promote schools’ engagement and compliance Intervene effectively to tackle poor performance School governance: Strengthened model for individual schools and clusters
Workforce reform – developed and delivered in partnership
Stage three: Excellence maintained, led and delivered by strong employers and workforce, supported by government Stage one: Workforce is high priority & not fit for purpose – intensive government led reform Stage two: reforms embedding; workforce- employer leadership partnership maturing Government leadership and delivery of workforce reform Sector leadership and delivery of workforce support Intensive reform – Government led with sector bodies involved Different parts of the children’s workforce are currently at different points on this spectrum and will move at different paces Maintaining excellence – workforce support and development is led and delivered by sector, in partnership with government
The impact of local authorities:
‘significantly influence schools’ ability to deliver Every Child Matters and Extended Services agendas MOST EFFECTIVE LAs LEAST EFFECTIVE LAs Clear vision Facilitate, broker and coordinate services Single referral process (schools & agencies) Not a ‘top down’ approach View as a means to raise standards Mutual respect and trust Securing better life chances for young people Remove barriers to learning Culture of collaboration Safe forums for information and discussion Broker and foster trusting relationships Put ECM and ES at centre of school development work ‘Top down’, bureaucratic approach Different and competing referral processes See ECM and ES delivery as schools’ agenda Infrastructures encourage differences and low trust No clear, devolved delivery structure (such as clusters, hubs, partnerships) No clear model of change management No structure for supporting schools (so schools bypass the LA to get what they want) 13 13
TDA’s Impact Evaluation Model (IEM)
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The TDA’s Professional Development Strategy 2009
Developed through the National Advisory Group of partners with TDA Reflects basis for TDA engagement provided by legislation and remit and builds on progress to date. Reflects policy intentions in 2020 Workforce Strategy & 21st Century Schools System White Paper. Provides a national vision and a set of underpinning principles and identifies three national priorities that will shape TDA’s support for PD over next 3 years. Specific TDA activities in support of each national priority are set out in an implementation plan that will be reviewed on an annual basis.
A 3-year professional development strategy
CPD leadership training and development programme Embedding the links Coherent support offer to Children’s Trusts CPD database Cluster-based CPD Impact evaluation guidance Training schools 16
Effective professional development
Effective professional development
How the TDA’s plans relate to teachers & the wider children’s workforce in schools
Professional Development strategy provides a single vision; a single set of underpinning principles; and a single set of national priorities for the whole of the children’s workforce in schools. But the scope of specific activities varies - some apply across the whole workforce and some are role specific - this reflects different starting points, contexts and needs.
The current Professional Development landscape for teachers & wider children’s workforce in schools
Statutory induction Statutory PM providing context for setting and reviewing individual development objectives Single framework of professional standards setting expectations that underpin career & pay progression Range of PD options available – some with accreditation Aspiration that teaching becomes a Masters level profession Policy commitment to a CPD entitlement and Licence to Practice Wider Workforce Non-statutory induction Policy commitment to performance review for whole school workforce Range of national occupational standards and some role specific professional standards Range of PD options available – some with accreditation Aspiration that all staff working to support pupils’ learning will have or be working towards a Level 3 qualification So far no national terms & conditions that could provide basis for a CPD entitlement or Licence to Practice
The future Professional Development landscape for teachers & the wider children’s workforce in schools Reflects a single direction of travel towards more school-based Professional Development supported by clusters and other partnerships, including partnerships with HEIs and other ITT providers - providing scope for more joint development with other professionals, including and EY workforce. Based on effective links between standards, performance review, professional development,school improvement and impact evaluation across the whole workforce Is about developing a coherent continuum of professional development for teachers and the wider workforce that is grounded in the vision and principles of the Professional Development strategy that helps to raise standards, improve well being and narrow the achievement gaps. Helps to develop and retain a well trained workforce who are innovative, collaborative and committed.
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