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Published byMarilyn Elliott Modified over 9 years ago
Ryan Em C. DalmanMD MBA - 070070
Objectives Case Presentation Case Discussion
Present a case of Acute Gastroenteritis Discuss the pathophysiology and management of Acute Gastroenteritis
Patient History
JM 1-year-old born on July 9, 2009 Female Admitted for the first time Roman Catholic Pasig City
Vomiting 1x ingested food Non-projectile Non-bilous Non-bloody 3 days PTA 1 day PTA Loose bowel movement 3x Watery Non-bloody Non-mucoid Non-foul smelling No associated symptoms, no medications, no consults
Symptoms persisted 12 hours PTA Consult at the ER Sent home after successful trial feeds
Vomiting 3x ingested food Post-prandial Non-projectile Non-bilous Non-bloody Few hours PTA Consult at the ER Admitted
General: no weight loss, no change in appetite Cutaneous: no lesions, no pigmentation, no hair loss, no pruritus HEENT: no redness no aural discharge no neck masses no sore throat
Cardiovascular: no easy fatigability, or fainting spells Gastrointestinal: no constipation Genitourinary: no genital discharge, no pruritus no problems in urination Endocrine: polydypsia, no heat/cold intolerance
Muskuloskeletal: no joint or muscle swelling, no limitation of movement, no stiffness Hematopoietic: no easy bruisability, or bleeding
Born full term via NSD to a 31 year old G4P3 (3013) by an obstetrician at PCGH with complete prenatal consults No intake of any medications except for multivitamins No maternal illnesses No complications at birth
Breastfed from birth to 3 months old Bona Supplementary foods were given at 6 month old Current diet Milk 4-5 bottles a day Rice + (chicken, vegetables, w/ soup) 3x a day Bread every morning
BCG – 1 dose DPT – 3 doses Hep B – 3 doses Measles – 1 dose
Stands alone Throws toys Obeys commands or requests Attempts to use a spoon
No Tuberculosis, Asthma, Trauma No previous surgeries No previous hospitalizations No Allergies
Diabetes, Hypertension – father No heart disease, cancer, stroke, kidney disease, asthma, or allergies
Father works for Reagent Mother is a housewife Private Subdivision in Pasig City
Not exposed to environmental hazards like chemicals, pollution, cigarette smoking, etc Generally clean environment Has their own toilet Water comes from Manila Waters Drinking water mineral water
Physical Exam
awake, active, with good cry but consolable Not in cardiorespiratory distress
Vital signs Temperature – 36.5 o C CR – 112 (70-110)RR – 28 (20-30) Weight: 10.4 kg (50-75 th ) Length: 75cm (50 th ) HC: 45.5cm (50-75 th )CC: 45 cm AC: 42 cm
Light brown No rashes, hemorrhages, scars Moist good skin turgor CRT 1-2 seconds
Head normocephalic no lesions, fontanels closed Eyes anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctiva, not sunken pupils 2-3mm Ears cone of light present inferomedially on both ears no discharge noted Nose septum medline, moist mucosa Throat mouth and tongue moist no TPC
Neck no cervical lymphadonapathy Supple Chest adynamic precordium no heaves, thrills, or lifts, PMI at 4 th ICS MCL slightly tachycardic, normal rhythm, distinct S1 and S2 no murmurs Lungs symmetrical chest expansion, no retractions Equal vocal fremiti Clearbreath sounds
Abdomen Distended, no scars, no lesions Hyperactive bowel sounds tympanitic on all quadrants no tenderness on all quadrants no masses, no organomegally liver edge palpated kidneys and spleen not appreciated
Glasgow Coma Scale verbal response: 5 eye opening:4 motor response: 6 total: 15 Cerebrum awake and active Cerebellum no nystagmus, tremors, or abnormal movements
Sensory responds to pain Motor Symmetrical general movement with good activity DTR ++ on all extremities
Cranial Nerves I:not elicited II:2-3mm pupils, equally reactive to light III,IV,VI:EOM’s intact V:corneal reflex present V1, V2, V3 intact (responds to touch) VII:no facial asymmetry VIII:turns to sound IX, X:gag reflex present XI:turns head from side to side XII:tongue midline
Salient Features, Admitting Impression, Differentials, Course in the Ward
1 year month old, female Vomiting Acute Loose watery stools Non-bloody, non-mucoid, non-foul smelling Distended abdomen Skin – good turgor, CRT 1-2 sec Eyes not sunken Moist oral mucosa Hyperactive bowel sounds
Acute Gastroenteritis, probably viral, with no signs of dehydration
Viral AGE 1 year old+ Vomiting+ Loose watery stools+ Acute+ Bloody stool- Mucoid stool- Foul smelling- Hyperactive bowel sounds+ Abdominal distention+/- Enterotoxigenic E. coli + + + + - - - + +/-
Viral AGEGiardia lamblia 1 year old++ Vomiting++ Loose watery stools++ Acute++ Bloody stool-- Mucoid stool-+ Foul smelling-+ Hyperactive bowel sounds++ Abdominal distention+/- Oily stool Explosive fever
Viral AGEFecal impaction 1 year old++ Vomiting++ Loose watery stools++ Acute+- Bloody stool-- Mucoid stool-- Foul smelling-- Hyperactive bowel sounds++ Abdominal distention+/-+ -With Hx of constipation -Vomitus with fecal material
Viral AGEFood Allergy 1 year old++ Vomiting++ Loose watery stools++ Bloody stool-+/- Mucoid stool-- Foul smelling-- Hyperactive bowel sounds++ Abdominal distention+/- Associated with other symptoms
Viral AGEShigellosis 1 year old++ Vomiting++ Loose watery stools++ Acute+- Bloody stool-+ Mucoid stool-+/- Foul smelling-+ Hyperactive bowel sounds++ Abdominal distention+/-
Diagnostic CBC with platelet count Blood chemistry (sodium and potassium) Urinalysis Fecalysis Therapeutic IV for Hydration Increased oral hydration Antipyretics Zinc supplementation Probiotics
1 st Hospital Day SOAP Poor suck Comfortable No vomiting 3 BM -2x watery with some formed -soft T: 36 o C CR: 104 RR: 30 -U/O: 1.84 cc/hr -Awake, with good cry -Good activity -Eyeballs not sunken -With tears -Clear breath sounds -Regular cardiac rate with normal rhythm -Normoactive bowel sounds -Soft and non-tender abdomen
1 st Hospital Day SOAP Poor suck Comfortable No vomiting 3 BM -2x watery with some formed -soft Fecalysis -negative Blood Chemistry -Normal Na and K + Urinalysis -normal CBC -normal Acute gastroenteritis with no signs of dehydration -resolving IVF D5LR 1L 42- 43ml/hr -Small frequent feeding -avoid oily and fatty food -encourage apples and bananas -continue hydration -monitor input and output
2 nd Hospital Day SOAP Good suck Comfortable No vomiting 1 BM, soft T: 36.7 o C CR: 103 RR: 28 -U/O: 1.77 cc/hr -Awake, with good cry -Good activity -Eyeballs not sunken -With tears -Clear breath sounds -Regular cardiac rate with normal rhythm -Normoactive bowel sounds -Soft and non-tender abdomen Acute Gastroenteritis with no signs of dehydration -resolved -May go home tomorrow -consume IVF then switch to oral hydration -home medications: Zinc sulfite syrup Probiotics
Infections of the gastrointestinal tract caused by bacterial, viral, or parasitic pathogens Diarrheal disorders Term used in public health setting Diarrhea 3 or more unusually watery stools passed in 24 hours WHO – Treatment of Diarrhea
> 3 years old Viral Rotavirus Enteric adenovirus Astrovirus Norovirus Calicivirus E. coli, Salmonella
18% of childhood deaths >700 million episodes of diarrhea annually < 5 years old (WHO) Philippines 2 nd leading cause of morbidity 6 th leading cause of mortality for all ages 3 rd leading cause of infant deaths Predominance of rotavirus and enterotoxigenic E. coli Nelson/ Carlos and Saniel, Etiology and Epidemiology of Diarrhea (1990)
Most common Diarrhea Vomiting May also have systemic symptoms Abdominal pain fever
Acute watery diarrhea Several hours to days Acute bloody diarrhea Persistent diarrhea > 14 days Diarrhea with severe malnutrition
Enters villi and releases viral proteins (NSP4) Feca-oral route NSP4 cause release Ca2+ intracellularly Virus infects adjacent cell NSP4 produced disrupts tight junctions Paracellular flow of water and electrolytes Ramig (2004), Pathogenesis of intestinal and systemic rotavirus infection
Intracellular Ca2+ cascade NSP4 causes release of more Ca2+ Disruption of microvillar cytoskeleton Intracellular Ca2+ cascade Induces chloride secretion Ramig (2004), Pathogenesis of intestinal and systemic rotavirus infection
Clinical evaluation Fecalysis Suspected amoebiasis or giardiasis Acute watery diarrhea ▪ Very young/elderly ▪ Immuno-compromised ▪ Severely dehydrated Clinical presentation is atypical UMED Acute infectious diarrhea and common intestinal parasitism workbook
Assess for the level of dehydration
No signs of dehydration Home therapy to prevent dehydration More fluids than usual ▪ ORS, salted drinks (salted rice water), chicken soup with salt ▪ Add salt (3g/L) for unsalted drinks and food ▪ Usual milk feed every 3 hours ▪ As much as the child wants Frequent small feedings every 3-4 hours Failure of oral rehydration
For failure of ORT ORS via nasogastric tube IV Ringer’s Lactate Solution 75 ml/kg in 4 hours Reassess
Some signs of Dehydration Oral rehydration therapy with ORS solution 75 ml/kg/hour If a child wants more than the estimated amount of ORS solution, and there are no signs of over-hydration, give more Teaspoonful every 1-2minutes Reassess
Severe signs of Dehydration Admit in the Hospital If patient can still drink poorly, give ORS until IV drip is running 5 ml/kg for 3-4 hours IV Ringer’s lactate Solution (100 ml/kg) 1 st 30ml/kg in 1 hour Then 70 ml/kg in 5 hours Reassess every 15-30 minutes until strong radial pulse is present, then 1-2 hours
Promotion of exclusive breast-feeding Improved complementary feeding practices Rotavirus immunization Proper food preparation/ hygiene
Good prognosis as long as adequate hydration has been given
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