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P ARENTING By: Alexander Parata. Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of.

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Presentation on theme: "P ARENTING By: Alexander Parata. Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of."— Presentation transcript:

1 P ARENTING By: Alexander Parata

2 Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.

3 “parental involvement plays an important role in the development of both social and cognitive competence”- Parke & Buriel, 2006, p.437


5 Diana Baumrind in the early 1960’s, conducted a study on more than 100 preschool-age children in California, in order to conclude the effects of various parenting styles on childhood development. At the conclusion of the study Baurmind indicates that parents differ on four important dimensions which are: Expressions of warmth Disciplinary strategies Communication Expectations of maturity Thus, based on these four dimensions that Baumrind introduces, four styles of parenting are presented.

6 A UTHORITARIAN P ARENTING StyleWarmthDisciplineExpectations of Maturity Communication AuthoritarianLowStrict, often physical HighParent to Child: high Child to Parent: low Characteristics

7 P ERMISSIVE P ARENTING StyleWarmthDisciplineExpectations of Maturity Communication PermissiveHighRareLowParent to Child: low Child to Parent: high Characteristics

8 A UTHORITATIVE P ARENTING StyleWarmthDisciplineExpectations of Maturity Communication AuthoritativeHighModerate, with much discussion ModerateParent to Child: high Child to Parent: high Characteristics

9 N EGLECTFUL P ARENTING StyleWarmthDisciplineExpectations of Maturity Communication NeglectfulIndifferentNone Rare to none Characteristics

10 In all, parenting is different based on the culture, values, morals, beliefs, and ethnicity of the parent. There is no right or wrong way in parenting but there are suggestions as how to go around it, really it’s different for everyone and whatever works for each family goes.

11 T EST Q UESTION Q: What style of Parenting is often misleading for permissive parenting?

12 W ORKS C ITED Berger, Kathleen. Invitation to the Lifespan. New York: Worth Publishers, 2010. Print. Cherry, Kendra. “Parenting Styles.” NYT Co, 2011. Web. July 14 2011. “Parenting.” DictionaryLLC, 2011. Web. July 14 2011. Parke & Buriel. Parenting p.437, 2006. Print.

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