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Industrial agglomeration Clustering of industrial activities in a particular area.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial agglomeration Clustering of industrial activities in a particular area."— Presentation transcript:


2 Industrial agglomeration Clustering of industrial activities in a particular area

3 Forms of industrial agglomeration Enlargement of an industrial plant clustering of same/related industries clustering of unrelated industries

4 Enlargement of industrial plant

5 Internal economies of scale Greater possibility of specialization mass production bulk purchasing special transport rates more efficient use of machines and labour lower production cost

6 Clustering of related industries

7 External economies of scale Inter-plant transport saving access to common pool of skilled labour presence of special training institutions presence of ancillary services research and development of collective facilities sharing cost of certain operation

8 Clustering of unrelated industries Chemical plant Textile industry Electronics

9 Advantages of clustering Enjoy an already well-developed infra- structure enjoy a common pool of skilled labour and expertise enjoy cheaper supplies of material inputs and ancillary services

10 Processes of industrial agglomeration The rise of an industrial district

11 An industry set up in an area Same industries move inRelated industries move in A number of unrelated industries move in An industrial district consisting different types of factories forms

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