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Microbiology By: Rachel Hillard RN.  An advanced biology course  Biology is the study of living organisms  Microbiology is the study of very small.

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Presentation on theme: "Microbiology By: Rachel Hillard RN.  An advanced biology course  Biology is the study of living organisms  Microbiology is the study of very small."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microbiology By: Rachel Hillard RN

2  An advanced biology course  Biology is the study of living organisms  Microbiology is the study of very small living organisms called microorganisms or microbes  Microbes are ubiquitous What is Microbiology

3  Viruses  Bacteria  Archaeans  Certain Algae  Protozoa  Certain fungi Types of Microorganisms

4  Pathogens- disease causing microbes (germs)  Only about 3% of microbes  Non-pathogens- do not cause disease and some are beneficial to us. Classifications of microbes

5  We have approximately 10 times as many microorganisms as cells living on and in our bodies  10 trillion cells x 10= 100 trillion microbes  500 to 1000 different species of microorganisms live on and in us Why study Microbiology

6  Indigenous microflora  Opportunistic pathogens  Photosynthesis  Decomposers or saprophytes  Bioremediation (genetic engineering)  Microbial ecology  Plankton  Phytoplankton  Zooplankton  Digestion  Biotechnology What Microorganisms do

7  Antibiotics  Genetic engineering  Cell Models

8  Microorganisms cause two categories of diseases: 1.Infectious disease 1.When a pathogen colonizes the body and subsequently causes disease 2.Causes most illnesses and deaths. 3.The leading cause of death in the world and 3 rd in the US 4.50,000 deaths per day 2.Microbial intoxication 1.Toxin is ingested that has been produced by a microorganism. Diseases

9  Microbiologist  Bacteriologist  Phycologists  Protozoologists  Mycologists  Birologists Careers in Microbiology

10  Agricultural  Biotechnology  Environmental / bioremediation  Medical/ Clinical  Microbial Genetics / Genetic Engineering  Microbial Physiology  Paleomicrobiology  Parasitology  Sanitary Microbiology  Veterinary Careers in Microbiology

11  Fossils of primitive microorganisms (as many as 11 different types) were found in ancient rock formations in northwestern Australia dating back to about 3.5 billion years ago.  The earliest molecular fossils date back to between 3.7 and 4 billion years ago.  First microorganisms on earth where possibly archaeans and cyanobacteria First Microorganisms on Earth

12  Infectious diseases of humans and animals have possibly existed for as long as humans and animals  Human pathogens have existed for thousands of years as observed in the bones and internal organs of mummies and early human fossils  Bacterial diseases such as  Tuberculosis  Syphilis  Parasitic worm infections Earliest Known Infectious Diseases

13  Egypt about 3180 BC.  First recorded epidemic  1000 BC Near the end of the Trojan War  the Greek army was decimated by an epidemic thought to have been the bubonic plague.  1500 BC The Ebers papyrus describing epidemic fevers discovered in a tomb in Thebes Egypt  1122BC in China  Disease thought to be smallpox  Plagues in  Rome 790, 710, 640 BC  Greece 430 BC Earliest known Pestilence

14  Rabies  Anthrax  Dysentery  Smallpox  Ergotism  Botulism  Measles  Typhoid fever  Typhus fever  Diphtheria  Syphilis Other Dieseases

15  From the discovery of the first microorganisms it took about 200 years before a connection was established between microorganisms and infectious diseases.  Significant events in early history  Development of microscopes  Bacterial staining procedures  Microorganisms cultured in the lab History of Microbiology

16  Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)  Father of microbiology/ bacteriology/ protozoology  First person to see live bacteria and protozoa  Not a trained scientist  As a hobby he ground tiny glass lenses and mounted in small metal frames creating single-lens microscopes or simple microscopes  He examined almost anything he could get his hands on Teeth scrapings water from ditches/ponds blood water soaked from peppercornssperm diarrheal stools Pioneers in Microbiology

17  The tiny living creatures he observed he called “animalcules”  He recorded his observations in the form of letters sent to the Royal Society of London.  For all of his discoveries Leeuwenhoek never associated microbes with the cause of disease.  Leeuwenhoek



20  Abiogenesis- spontaneous generation  Biogenesis Theories

21 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

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