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The Professional Development Needs of Teacher Educators in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and School-based Mentors in Schools Researcher: Becca Westrup.

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Presentation on theme: "The Professional Development Needs of Teacher Educators in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and School-based Mentors in Schools Researcher: Becca Westrup."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Professional Development Needs of Teacher Educators in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and School-based Mentors in Schools Researcher: Becca Westrup Research manager: Dr Alison Jackson University of Cumbria

2 Aims to identify the current and future support needs of teacher educators in Higher Education Institutions providing Initial Teacher Education for schools; to identify the current and future support needs of student teacher mentors in schools; to clarify the important CPD issues as perceived by these staff; to inform TDA internal planning for the 2009-10 business year by understanding the critical issues and challenges facing ITE providers.

3 Wider Context Professional development literature NQT survey Rose Review Ofsted reports Teach First ESCalate ITE documentation

4 The quality of teaching depends in large measure on the quality of teachers; the quality of teachers depends in large part upon the quality of their professional education; the quality of teacher education depends in large measure on the quality of those who provide it, namely teacher educators. Murray (2006) drawing on Turney and Wright (1990)

5 A review of the literature suggests that research investigating the experiences of teacher educators is limited (Korthagen, Loughran and Lunenberg, 2005)

6 There is a wealth of information about how teachers develop professionally.. But little about how teacher educators develop professionally (Smith, 2003)

7 Research Design Methods of Data Collection: Survey Focus groups Data Analysis: Qualitative Analysis of key themes

8 Teacher Educators

9 Challenges and Opportunities School Placement Learning Assessment Masters Level learning and teaching School mentor support Partnership arrangements Course content/curriculum Every Child Matters/Multi-agency working Balancing the ideal against the reality of working in schools today Any other challenges and opportunities

10 Longer term needs of teacher educators: The acknowledgement and appreciation of work that those involved in ITE provision do (including school-based mentors); More opportunity and communication links to enable discussion with colleagues based in HEIs and schools;

11 Funding for research to involve student teachers in the researching or developing of ways of working Consider whether current CPD delivery always meets staff learning needs – create new ways of delivering CPD..

12 CPD should be more about opportunity because we have the expertise, we have these things in place, we need time, the flexibility, the funding, we need the acknowledgement.

13 Themes- Teacher Educators Communication and collaboration Investments in terms of time and resources Research- by them/of them/by their students Future directions e.g. MTL

14 School-based Mentors

15 Challenges and Opportunities School Placement Learning Assessment Masters Level learning and teaching School mentor support Partnership arrangements Course content/curriculum Every Child Matters/Multi-agency working Balancing the ideal against the reality of working in schools today Any other challenges and opportunities

16 Themes- School Based Mentors Communication and Collaboration Sharing good practice Construction of knowledge Autonomy Training and Support Programmes Recognition of their role

17 Is it a question of CPD or Community Development? Opportunities for communication Autonomy Strengthen school-based mentor support Multi-agency working Teaching - a Masters profession

18 Where is the full report On the TEAN website: Go to Teacher Educators Storehouse

19 What is TEAN? Teacher Education Advancement Network

20 Workshop Reaction to findings of research What can TEAN do for you? What is your synthesis of the current and future development needs of Teacher Educators in HEIS (and School-based mentors if you wish) for publication on the TEAN site

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