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Isidima COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKER PROGRAMME Presentation to PCF Review Findings and Recommendations 18 November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Isidima COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKER PROGRAMME Presentation to PCF Review Findings and Recommendations 18 November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isidima COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKER PROGRAMME Presentation to PCF Review Findings and Recommendations 18 November 2009

2 Isidima Presentation Outline Part 1: Introduction and Background Part 2: Review Findings Part 3: Recommendations

3 Isidima Part1: Introduction and Background

4 Isidima Introduction CDWP Review Commissioned January 2009 and completed end of March 2009 –Request for comment from Municipalities – Municipal Managers Forum – Presentation to DCF’s –SALGA (Western Cape) Minister Bredell: ‘…fix challenges and make the CDW Programme work…’

5 Isidima Introduction Objectives of the CDWP: –Facilitate Access to Government Services for Communities –Facilitate Socio-Economic Opportunities and Partnerships –Deepen Governance through Public Participation –Share Information on National and Provincial Government Services Programme is implemented by provincial government in co-operation with local and national government

6 Isidima Background CDWP Announced in 2003 and implemented in 2005 in Western Cape Trained 650 CDWs through Learnership in partnership with LGSETA DLG&H appointed 200 CDWs in 2006 Former Project Consolidate Municipalities and Urban Nodes Prioritised

7 Isidima The work programmes of CDW’s are made up of three integrated components: Local Government Priority issues 40% Provincial Government Priority Programmes 30% National Government Priority Programmes 30%

8 Isidima Successes Enhancing Citizen Awareness around Integrated Development Processes (IDP) Good working relation with Government Departments and Agencies to make services more accessible to citizens Critical support role in Disasters e.g. Internally Displaced Persons Disaster Roll-out of various government surveys e.g. Display of Service Charters by Departments, Indigent identification, etc.

9 Isidima Part 2: Review Findings

10 Isidima Review Findings (1) Perception that CDWs are politicised and not accountable Communication about role of CDW Programme weak Poor relationship between CDWs, Ward Committees/Forums and Councillors Referral system for service delivery issues requires revision

11 Isidima Review Findings (2) Need for greater decentralisation CDWs need to be provided with the necessary support and supervision Information Management System required –Monitoring and Evaluation processes in the CDWP are inadequate Inadequate career-pathing CDWs under-resourced (e.g. transport)

12 Isidima Part 3: Recommendations

13 Isidima Recommendations Respond to Key Challenges De-link programme from Political Office (Speaker or Mayor) Embed Programme Administratively Enhance Accountability and Efficiency Effective Partnerships with all three Spheres of Government

14 Isidima Recommendations Work content: 40% Local, 30% Province and 30% National MM or his/her designated official to supervise municipal CDW work programme together with Regional Co-ordinator: Weekly Plans, Monthly Reports CDWs should not report directly to politicians (e.g. Speaker) Designated municipal official to account for CDW municipal work programme to Council Issue: ‘How will CDWs be more Accountable to Municipalities?’

15 Isidima Recommendations Case Referral Form –Allegations of corruption / service delivery issues to be reported by CDW’s on case referral form and submitted to municipal designated official –Municipality to follow up and inform stakeholders Issue: ‘How should CDWs deal with service delivery complaints and allegations of Corruption?’

16 Isidima Recommendations CDW Appointment Processes: –Provincially driven process to fill vacancies –Municipal designated official to be included on panel –Province to draw from pool of trained learners Issue: ‘How can Municipalities influence the appointment of CDWs?’

17 Isidima Recommendations Disciplinary Processes: –Provincial Labour Relation policies and procedures apply –To be done expeditiously –Municipalities will be kept informed –Municipality to fully support process Issue: ‘How will the Department ensure discipline of CDWs?’

18 Isidima Recommendations MOA to specify the % split of CDW work between spheres and how this will be monitored Municipal specific conditions, as requested by Municipalities to be incorporated in MOA Municipalities to provide Financial Reports on Operational Support Grant as per PFMA/MFMA Issue: ‘How will the Relationship between Municipalities and the Department be Governed?’

19 Isidima Recommendations Councillors and CDWs: Roles and Responsibilities to be clarified (SALGA Support) CDWs to report service delivery issues to councillors and work together on ward programme Ward Committees: CDWs to attend as support but not act as secretariat CDWs to mobilize for public participation, especially in IDP processes and Community Based Planning Issues: ‘What is the role of Councillors and CDWs?’

20 Isidima Recommendations DPSA Skills Audit Implement CDW Review Recommendations on Further Training Needs Better departmental support (IPDPs) Partnership with PALAMA Municipal-Specific Training (Municipal Policies, Budget etc.) Municipal CDWs to be included in Training Issue: ‘What is the Department doing about the further Training needs of CDW’s?’

21 Isidima Recommendations New Structure: CDWs /Supervisors/ Regional Coordinators/ Deputy Directors/ Director Field Support: –“Middle” layer of supervisors to improve supervision and provide career-pathing –Regional Coordinators to each have administrative support Provincial Office: –Information Mgmt Officer appointed –Second Deputy Director Regional Coordination appointed –Four administrative officers placed in Provincial Office Issues: ‘How will the supervision of CDWs be improved?’

22 Isidima CDW POLICY National Draft Policy Document Circulated –Input and Engagement required Summits in all Provinces –Provincial Summit held on 09 September 2009 (Sea Point, Cape Town) –Draft Summit report (GTZ) National Summit 30 November 2009

23 Isidima Further Consultation Process Draft Recommendations process: –Approval by / comments from MEC (16 October) –Consultation through PCF and SALGA Western Cape PEC (November 2009) –Approval by / comments from Cabinet (December) National CDW Policy Summit – 30 November 2009 –Revise recommendations, if required Municipal Road show to engage with each municipality (January - February) Final recommendations: March 2010 Implementation process: April 2010 onward

24 Isidima Baie Dankie Thank You Enkosi

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