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Associate Partner Objectives The next 9 months 19 th September 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Associate Partner Objectives The next 9 months 19 th September 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Associate Partner Objectives The next 9 months 19 th September 2006

2 Overall Aims Produce a report of background research Exchange information and experiences of ­good practice within the educational curriculum ­public campaigns and websites in associated partner countries

3 Deliverables Deliverable 1: Produce a report on background research covering a)The science school curriculum content b)Details of any public antibiotic or hand hygiene campaigns and existing websites c)Pattern of antibiotic use, infectious disease and countries customs and cultures which may be relevant d)Details of Stakeholders who would be interested in the use and dissemination of the packs e)Details of other pan-European school education campaigns

4 The Science School Curriculum Highlight the key school levels and age groups ­Nursery 2 – 5 yrs ­Primary 6 – 11 yrs ­Secondary 12 – 16 yrs Science Curriculum at each level in relation to ­Micro-organisms ­Good and bad bugs ­Hand and respiratory hygiene ­Antibiotic use ­Vaccines Deliverable 1a: The science school curriculum content

5 Public and School resources Currently available Where should we look? Deliverable 1b Details of any public antibiotic or hand hygiene campaigns and existing websites

6 Resources Currently Available ­Departments of Health Andybiotic public education campaigns ­Outreach Programs to Schools Step-Up in University of Ulster CELS in Nottingham Trent University Deliverable 1b Details of any public antibiotic or hand hygiene campaigns and existing websites

7 Resources Currently Available ­School Education Campaigns Computer based learning MATTER – University of Liverpool Educational Packs The Bug Investigators Pack School Science Service CLEAPSS ­Microbiological Societies Society for Applied Microbiology (SGM) Society for General Microbiology (SfAM) The Microbiology in Schools Advisory Committee (MISAC) MISAC Deliverable 1b Details of any public antibiotic or hand hygiene campaigns and existing websites

8 Deliverable 1c Pattern of antibiotic use, infectious disease and countries’ customs/cultures of relevance Got a cold? Don’t Ask For Antibiotics! Patterns of Antibiotic use and infectious disease Themes / logos / characters that have successfully been used in the past in addressing particular health issues Cultures and Customs

9 Deliverable 1d Details of stakeholders who would be interested in the use and dissemination of the EBug Who are the Key Stakeholders? How do we approach them?

10 Who are the Stakeholders? Department of Education -Teachers -Classroom assistants Department of Health -Doctors -Nurses -School nurses -Hospitals department for education and skills Deliverable 1d Details of stakeholders who would be interested in the use and dissemination of the EBug

11 Who are the Stakeholders? Pharmaceutical Companies Educational Resource providers Outreach Programs ­Step-Up ­CELS Medical / Microbial Societies ­SGM ­SfAM Educational Science Societies ­CLEAPSS Deliverable 1d Details of stakeholders who would be interested in the use and dissemination of the EBug

12 Deliverable 1e Details of other pan-European school education campaigns Pan-European School Education

13 Identifying and approaching pilot schools

14 Identifying and approaching schools ­Local councils City councils with outreach programs ­University Outreach Programs Step-Up in University of Ulster CELS in Nottingham Trent University

15 Discussion

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