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Online Medical Resources: Finding and Evaluating Librarian Anna Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Medical Resources: Finding and Evaluating Librarian Anna Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Medical Resources: Finding and Evaluating Librarian Anna Jones

2 Evaluating Websites What does the domain name tell you? The end of the site address is,.edu all mean different things! Who is behind this site? Is it an organization or a private individual? The American Heart Association or Joe Smith from Utah? Why is this person/organization compiling this information?

3 Evaluating Websites, cont. How biased is the source? Do they stand to profit from the information given? Example: Toyota will obviously say good things about their cars. Does it provide a publication/copyright date? Depending on the topic, date can be very important! Information on the Civil War may not need to be current. Healthcare reform information should be up to date.

4 Recommended Places to Start Southwestern College’s databases: Southwestern College’s databases: InfoTrac InfoTrac Good Web sources: Good Web sources: We have subject specific lists in the library! We have subject specific lists in the library!

5 Infotrac has great Medical Resources Username: lesday Password: dayton

6 Infotrac’s Medical Databases Gale Virtual Reference Library Gale Virtual Reference Library This is a collection of books/encyclopedias on a variety of topics, many of which relate to medicine. This is a collection of books/encyclopedias on a variety of topics, many of which relate to medicine. Nursing Resource Center Nursing Resource Center This database has excellent drug and disease information. This database has excellent drug and disease information.

7 Access from anywhere Click the InfoTrac icon on school computers, or log on from home or anywhere with an Internet connection: Click the InfoTrac icon on school computers, or log on from home or anywhere with an Internet connection: Username: lesday Username: lesday Password: dayton Password: dayton

8 Library Book Catalog To search the book catalog for any of Southwestern College’s locations, visit:

9 What Is Plagiarism? Don’t take credit for the work of others! Don’t take credit for the work of others! Using someone’s exact words is plagiarism if you don’t quote/cite properly. Using someone’s exact words is plagiarism if you don’t quote/cite properly. If you simply paraphrase someone else’s ideas you still need to cite the information. If you simply paraphrase someone else’s ideas you still need to cite the information.

10 You’ll Cite Your Sources in Two Different Places Within the paper Within the paper In-text citations In-text citations At the end of the paper At the end of the paper Works cited page Works cited page

11 New Catalog: Infotrac: Username: lesday Password: dayton Email librarian, Anna Jones

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