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Published byMoses Ellis Modified over 9 years ago
I NTRODUCTIONS Dr. Ann Riley, Field Education Coordinator Pam Sanford, Faculty Field Liaison Levi Heperi, Admin. Field Specialist Michelle Wheat, Field Education Office GA
P ROVIDING ANSWERS Practicum Questions? What will my schedule be like? How many hours are required? What are the rules for employment-based practicum? Where do I find Practicum forms and materials? Practicum Application: Practicum Worries? What if I cannot find a placement that suits me? What if I have problems in practicum once I begin? What if I have a personal emergency during the semester? Can I start early or end late?
P RACTICUM AND IT ’ S P URPOSE Field Education: “Signature pedagogy” in SW education The DP Practicum provides integration of coursework & practice in the field for advanced skill-acquisition. Competency-Based Education: Core competencies and practice tasks explicitly outline a student’s learning needs for their professional SW development. Student Performance Policy http:// -- Expectations
F IELD E DUCATION P ARTICIPANTS OU Anne & Henry Zarrow School of Social Work: Field Education Coordinator Field Education Office staff – Adm. Specialist and GA Liaison – Regular Faculty, Emeritus or Adjunct Practicum Student Practicum Site/Agency: Field Instructor (Practicum Instructor) - MSW Field Preceptor (Practicum Preceptor) – non MSW
CY: DIRECT PRACTICE (DP) E NROLLMENT Two courses: 12 credit hours required SWK 5816 Practicum III (6 hrs) SWK 5826 Practicum IV (6 hrs) DP Practicum Formats: 1 or 2 semester options BLOCK= Spring semester (Enroll: both courses) EXTENDED = Spring & Summer semesters (Enroll: SWK 5816 Spring & SWK 5826 Summer)
CY: DP P RACTICUM S CHEDULES Practicum Hours = 550 total hours required BLOCK: Spring 36 hours per week x 16 weeks Ex: 36 x 16 = 576 hours but 36 x 15 = 540 only Eek!! EXTENDED: Spring & Summer 18–21 hours per week x 28 weeks total [16 weeks (Spring) + 12 weeks (Summer) = 28 weeks] Example: 20 x 28 = 560 hours Check the FIELD PRACTICUM MANUAL for questions: ducation_Manual_2015-2016.pdf ducation_Manual_2015-2016.pdf Two sick days are allowed each practicum semester with hours credited according to the student’s schedule Students may not stockpile hours or finish early.
P RACTICUM P LACEMENT P ROCESS Three phases: Beginning Fall 2015 1) Planning placement options 2) Interviewing at placements 3) Securing your placement calendars DP Practicum Calendar 2016 Always follow the PRACTICUM CALENDAR!
1) P LANNING P LACEMENT O PTIONS Attend: Practicum Orientation – Today Complete: IPT Application – Due Oct. 16 IPT: “Intern Placement Tracking” software Student Detail Page, Application + upload Resume Conduct: Optional Individual Planning Session Meet with Field Coordinator: brainstorm options/issues Oct. 21 – Oct. 29 ~ 30 min session Sign up today or contact Levi at 325-8569 or Field Education office = Room 215
A ) A PPLYING FOR P RACTICUM : THROUGH IPT! Log-in Process Go to: Log in: Use default info provided for 1 st log-in Change immediately: to OU 4 x 4 and password Application Materials 1) Go to: Student Detail tab, complete basic info + add photo 2) Click on: “Forms” from either place - a) Top of Student Detail page, “Forms”; or b) Home tab, then “My Forms” on left side options. 3) “View” Application for Field Instruction, complete ALL & electronically sign to submit. [SAVE along the way!] For additional help visit and click on the IPT – Student Tutorial
B ) P RACTICUM P LANNING P ARTICULARS Placement locations: What cities and towns? Practice Fields: What types of agencies? What populations? Site Requirements: What is needed of agencies? FYI: You can now “search” agencies in IPT: BUT, realize this is not a comprehensive agency listing! Note your preferences in 2 possible places: A) Student Detail page – “Agency Preferences” (Add) ~ 3 B) Practicum Application Question – “Do you have a specific local agency or facility at which you would like to be placed?” (If employment-based put “EBPP.”)
C ) I NDIVIDUAL P LANNING S ESSIONS Participation in these planning sessions is an important part of the placement process, but is now optional for DP students. The student meets with field education staff to review their application, needs, interests & professional goals. This aids in determining the site recommendation options for the student. Optional Sign Up Today! (30 minutes) Wed., Oct. 21st, 10:00 – 3:00pm through Fri., Oct. 23rd, 1:00 – 3:00pm And Mon., Oct. 26th, 1:00 – 3:30pm through Thurs., Oct. 29th, 12:30 – 3:00pm
2) I NTERVIEWING AT PLACEMENTS A) Prepare: Consider readiness for practicum; get supports in place. B) Receive Email : Field Education Office – two placement options. All Practicum communication will be sent through OU email: Subject: “PRACTICUM” DDecisions take into account the student’s requests, agency availability & placement needs of the student cohort overall. C) Interview: Contact, schedule, & interview at both Take your Resume, Practicum Calendar, & the Student Placement form. Conduct yourself professionally at every step!
3) S ECURING YOUR PLACEMENT Confirm: Practicum site offer/acceptance or express your appreciation Return to Site: Pick up Student Placement Form with signatures Submit: Form to Field Education Office by due date. Students may not start practicum until all documentation has been submitted. In person: Field Education Office, Room 215 to Levi or Michelle By email: or by fax: 405-325-9367 Required Documentation: Student Placement Form (hard copy); 2) Malpractice Insurance (in IPT) Placement is Secured when Field Education office finalizes & approves Website: Handouts: Student Placement Form & Student Liability Insurance
P LUS : A DDITIONAL R EQUIREMENTS Site-specific requirements vary & the student is responsible. Website: Additional medical site requirements are typical. Website: Online HIPAA training is required through OUHSC for all OU students at medical placements. Completion is due 30 days from start of practicum and login must be obtained from the Field Education Office. We will email those students who need this in January. Modified Practicum Proposal: Request this form from the Field Coordinator if desire practicum to begin or end on dates that fall outside of the University course dates as posted on the Practicum Calendar. Requests need to be into Field Education Office in advance and are applicable only for “significant and compelling” reasons.
P RACTICUM -R ELATED I SSUES Stipends: Agencies/programs that offer monies for DP students VA Medical Center – OKC ($6000, competitive, specific slots) Stephenson Cancer Center – OKC Latino Community Development Center – OKC Americorp Grants – Urban League, Urban Mission, CCFI, etc. Center for Social Work Healthcare – OKC ($6000, competitive stipend) Employment-Based Practicum Proposal (EBPP): 1. Must be new learning different from job responsibilities 2. Must have different Field Instructor (MSW) from job Supervisor 3. Student must negotiate the practicum/employment placement 4. Final approval comes from the Field Education Coordinator Website:
M ORE INFORMATION ON : E MPLOYMENT - BASED EBPP – Employment-based Practicum Proposal Application process is more demanding Proposals are carefully and thoroughly reviewed Students advised to carefully review EBPP requirements To apply, additional documents are required: Practicum Application Part 3 (EBPP) – “Norman forms” Job Description of current position Most recent Job Performance Review A schedule reflecting work, school & practicum See guidelines in Field Practicum Manual, p. 25: s/Policies/Field_Education_Manual_2015-2016.pdf s/Policies/Field_Education_Manual_2015-2016.pdf
DP P RACTICUM : G ETTING S TARTED PRACTICUM: Begins the week of Jan. 12, 2015 CONTRACT TRAINING: Friday, Jan. 22, 2016 Location: Zarrow Hall, Community Room, 2:00–4:00 Mandatory for Students new to OU practicum. Mandatory for Field Instructors new to OU practicum. (Optional for those who have previously completed.) 2.5 hrs of practicum for Students / 2.5 hrs of CEU for FIs
C ONGRATULATIONS ! Y OU ARE AT AN IMPORTANT FINAL STEP OF YOUR JOURNEY TOWARD AN MSW DEGREE. We look forward to helping you be successful in practicum and your professional social work development. (We hope you’re excited. We are!!)
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