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Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia

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1 Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia
By: Devon Nuel, Jared Grapes, Max Sala, and Alex Landy

2 Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia
Western imperialists, including the United States, claim lands in: The South Pacific Southeast Asia Hawaiian Islands Only Siam remains independent.

3 Western rivalries for Pacific Rim
Demand for Asian products Drove Europeans to seek possession of Southeast Asia and islands of Pacific Rim Wanted area for its resources Sugar cane, coffee, cocoa Rubber, coconuts Bananas, & pineapple As trade grew, European powers claimed more lands

4 Dutch controlled Indonesia
Dutch East India Company controlled island chain Indonesia Created rigid class system Dutch on top Wealthy and educated Indonesians in the middle Plantation workers/ farmers at bottom

5 British’s control of Malay Peninsula
The British took port of Singapore plus Malaysia & Burma British encouraged Chinese to move to Malaysia for working purposes Malaysia/ Burma Resources Large deposits of tin World’s leading rubber exporter Oil

6 France’s control of Indochina
Indochina (modern Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) French wanted: Large overseas market Military intervention Did not encourage local industry Rice became major export crop Consumption decreased, because it was shipped out of the region Set stage for Vietnamese resistance against the French

7 Impact of Colonialism Colonialism brought features of modern life to southeast Asia Economy improved Roads, harbors, rail systems improved communication/ transportation Education/Health/Sanitation Economic changes benefited European business Cash crops/goods (rubber, tin) People from other areas of Asia migrated Working in Southeast Asia plantations mines Migration made Southeast Asia a “melting pot.”

8 Siam’s Independence Siam (Thailand) maintained its independence
King Monghut and his son modernized Siam Without giving up power to western powers Started schools Reformed legal system Reorganized government Built railroads, telegraph systems Ended slavery Escaped: turmoil economic exploitation racist treatment

9 US Imperialism Late 1800’s, US began to seek colonies
1898, Spanish-American War US won: Puerto Rico Guam Philippine Islands Emilio Aguinaldo- leader in fight against Spain Struggle with Americans for Filipino freedom United States defeated the rebels in 1902 American businesses exploited Filipinos Cash crops at expense of basic food crops

10 Republic of Hawaii annexed as US Territory
American businessmen grew wealthy from plantations Imported laborers from: Japan Portugal China Close ties with US McKinley Tariff of 1890 provoked crisis American planters called for US to annex islands 1890’s, Queen Liliuokalani tried to regain control Business groups organized a revolution With help of US marines they overthrew the queen Government headed by Sanford B. Dole Republic of Hawaii Asked the US to annex Hawaii 1898, Hawaii became a territory of the United States!


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