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8 th Grade U.S. History Chapter 12 A:B: Revolutionary Colonial #1 What era did the spoils system, “Old Hickory,” Daniel Webster and Tariff of Abominations.

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2 8 th Grade U.S. History Chapter 12

3 A:B: Revolutionary Colonial #1 What era did the spoils system, “Old Hickory,” Daniel Webster and Tariff of Abominations belong? C:D: Civil WarAge of Jackson

4 D. Age of Jackson

5 A:B: Eaton AffairNational Bank #2 “Our federal Union: it must be preserved!” Jackson was challenging what issue? C:D: Nullification Crisis Indian Removal

6 C. Nullification Crisis

7 A:B: TranquilityControversy #3 What was a defining characteristic of the Jackson era? C:D: War and division Westward expansion

8 D. Westward expansion

9 A:B: The Spoils SystemBank of the United States #4 What was primary issue dividing political parties during Jackson’s presidency? C:D: Doctrine of state nullification Admission of Arkansas and Michigan

10 B. Bank of the United States

11 A:B: No state had right to ignore a congressional law They had right to nullify the Tariff #5 What did Jackson think about South Carolina’s claim regarding nullification of the Tariff of 1828? C:D: They needed Congress to pass a treaty allowing nullification The Constitution was ambivalent

12 A. No state had the right to ignore a congressional law

13 A:B: They steadily increased in population Northern cities grew most #6 What happened to the population in the five largest U.S. Cities between 1820-1840? C:D: New York City tripled in size every 10 years 5 largest cities were located on the eastern seaboard

14 A. They steadily increased in population

15 A:B: Constitutional amendment….. Federalism High tariff….. states’ rights #7 During Nullification Crisis, South Carolina sought to repeal a ______ to demonstrate its support for ______. C:D: Court decision….. Unionism Presidential veto… judicial review

16 B. High tariff…. States’ rights

17 A:B: AgricultureConstruction #8 What occupation experienced the greatest decrease between 1820 and 1840? C:D: ManufacturingMining

18 A. Agriculture

19 A:B: War of 1812 Marbury v. Madison #9 “The great and leading principle is that the general government came from people of several states…acting in… one political community,” refers to what issue? C:D: Resolution of the Nullification Crisis Enactment of Compromise of 1850

20 C. Resolution of the Nullification Crisis

21 A:B: States’ RightsManifest Destiny #10 The Nullification Crisis, Kentucky Resolution, Hartford Convention and Virginia Resolution are all about ______. C:D: Women’s Suffrage Freedom of religion

22 A. States’ Rights

23 A:B: Force Bill Power Bill #11 What was the bill attempting to end the Nullification Crisis? C:D: South Carolina Bill Compromise Bill

24 A. Force Bill

25 A:B: Daniel WebsterJohn Quincy Adams #12 What political leader argued that states could nullify federal laws? C:D: John C. CalhounHenry Clay

26 C. John C. Calhoun

27 A:B: Slavery in North promoted rapid economic growth Geographic conditions supported different types of economy #13 Primary reason the North develop an economy based on manufacturing and the South’s economy was based on agriculture C:D: Protective tariffs applied only to the North Manufacturers failed to make a profit in the South

28 B. Geographic conditions supported different types of economy

29 A:B: It would end vetoing bills he disliked It would have to be enforced by the Supreme Court #14 Why did President Jackson support the “spoils systems”? C:D: It would remove Native American from their lands It would open up government jobs to average citizens

30 D. It would open up government jobs to average citizens

31 A:B: Former slaves were allowed to vote An amendment ended voting fees #15 What would explain the large increase in voters between the elections of 1824 and 1828? C:D: Women were given the right to vote Many states ended property qualifications

32 D. Many states ended property qualifications to vote

33 A:B: The tariff would not help deliver their goods domestically They would not reap benefits of tax collection #16 The Tariff of 1828 enraged southern plantation owners primarily because ____. C:D: They were opposed to transportation improve- ments the tariff funded Britain would reduce the amount of cotton bought from the South

34 D. Britain would reduce the amount of cotton bought from the South

35 A:B: He admitted Union was “compact” of states He conceded South Carolina’s right to secede #17 How did President Jackson respond to the nullification crisis? C:D: He offered to raise tariffs He threatened to use force against South Carolina

36 D. He threatened to use force against South Carolina

37 A:B: Had power to veto the tariffs Had power to increase the tariffs #18 Southerners argued that Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and states ______. C:D: Shouldn’t have to worry about tariffs Should be individual republics

38 A. Had the power to veto the tariffs

39 A:B: More access to rail- roads than the South An unfair political advantage #19 Southerners believed the tariffs gave the North _______. C:D: Military dominance over the South A better relationship with foreign countries

40 B. An unfair political advantage

41 A:B: Nullification Crisis Southern Resistance C:D: Exclusion TariffRevolutionary War #20 Protests over the Tariff of 1832 led to the ____________.

42 A. Nullification Crisis

43 A:B: Voting rights for women Imports of European products to help the South C:D: American manufacturers by taxing imports Southern plantation owners by taxing exports #21 What was the Whig Party and Henry Clay trying to protect through tariffs?

44 C. American manufacturers by taxing imports

45 A:B: Treaty of New Echota Trail of Tears C:D: Buffalo Path Overland Pass #22 Federal troops forced Native Americans off their lands and on a long journey known as _______.

46 B. Trail of Tears

47 A:B: Marbury v. Madison Cherokee Nation v. Georgia C:D: Dred Scott v. Sanford Worcester v. Georgia #23 What Supreme Court case declared the Cherokee Nation “a distinct community” ?

48 D. Worcester v. Georgia

49 A:B: Georgia wanted the land for wheat production Georgia was concerned about Cherokee welfare C:D: Georgia needed land to grow more cotton Georgia wanted to develop tourist industry #24 Georgia ignored the Supreme Court ruling. What was the reason the Cherokee were forced off their lands?

50 C. Georgia needed more land to grow cotton

51 A:B: OklahomaColorado #25 Native Americans were removed from lands east of the Mississippi River and sent to reservations in ________. C:D: Texas Montana

52 A. Oklahoma

53 A:B: Giving govt. jobs to party supporters Giving more power to legislative branch of govt. #26 The “Jacksonian Era” included a policy of patronage, which is ____. C:D: Giving more direct power to state and local govt. Giving land grants to people who leave homes to settle the west

54 A. Giving govt. jobs to party supporters

55 A:B: Inauguration of John Quincy Adams Funeral of Thomas Jefferson #27 On March 4,1829, what was the event that a newspaper columnist wrote of where, “Not only every seat, but every inch of the platform was crowded…..” C:D: Signing of the U.S. Constitution Inauguration of Andrew Jackson

56 D. Inauguration of Andrew Jackson

57 A:B: Declare war on any Native American tribe who resisted the move Negotiate treaties to relocate tribes west of the Mississippi #28 What did the Indian Removal Act of 1830 authorize President Jackson to do? C:D: Remove Native Americans to attend English-speaking schools Forcibly remove Native Americans to reservations in the East

58 B. Negotiate treaties to relocate tribes west of the Mississippi

59 A:B: Indian Removal Act Anti-Indian Act #29 Pres. Jackson push a law through Congress that forced the displacement of Native Americans Americans from their lands know as _____. C:D: Jackson Act Indian Assimilation Act

60 A. Indian Removal Act

61 A:B: He was Native American He was born into poverty #30 What differentiated Andrew Jackson from previous U.S. Presidents? C:D: He was a slaveholder He was unable to read

62 B. He was born into poverty

63 A:B: Independents Republicans #31 Jackson’s political party, _____, believed in increased voting rights for white males, expanding American borders and no govt. interference in American economy. C:D: WhigsDemocrats

64 D. Democrats

65 A:B: Battle of New Orleans Battles of Lexington and Concord #32 Before he ran for President, what event brought Jackson national fame? C:D: Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark expedition

66 A. Battle of New Orleans

67 A:B: Owned a slave plantation Did not bow as they walked past #33 Jackson was unpopular among aristocratic easterners because he _________. C:D: Was born on the border of North and South Carolina Was considered vulgar and comoon

68 D. He was considered vulgar and common

69 A:B: MonetaryExecutive #34 Which branch of government did the Whig Party believe should have the most power? C:D: Judicial Legislative

70 D. Legislative

71 A:B: He felt his abilities were superior to others. He supported states’ rights #35 Why was President Jackson referred to as “King Andrew?” C:D: He wanted to establish a monarchy in the U.S. He wanted a strong executive branch of government

72 D. He wanted a strong executive branch of government

73 A:B: Third Party SystemFourth Party System #36 The election of John Quincy Adams in 1824 marked the beginning of the ______. C:D: First Party SystemSecond Party System

74 D. Second Party System

75 A:B: Daniel WebsterHenry Clay #37 Who would have agreed with South Carolina that the Tariff of 1832 was unconstitutional? C:D: John CalhounMartin Van Buren

76 C. John C. Calhoun

77 A:B: Opposed the National Bank Supported closer ties with Britain #38 Henry Clay and Daniel Webster organized the Whig Party because they _____. C:D: Opposed policies of Andrew Jackson Supported polices of Van Buren

78 C. Opposed policies of Andrew Jackson

79 A:B: Lincoln emancipated the slaves He was thrown out of Senate for poor ethics #39 In 1832, Calhoun threatened to take South Carolina out of the Union when ____. C:D: He wasn’t elected President Jackson passed protective tariffs

80 D. Jackson passed protective tariffs

81 A:B: Territorial expansion Military conflict #40 The “Era of Good Feelings” was characterized by ______. C:D: Increased sectionalism Political cooperation

82 D. Political cooperation

83 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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