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Welcome to Open House Mrs. Martin’s Class 2011. Curriculum Reading - In fourth grade the students are reading to learn instead of learning to read. We.

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1 Welcome to Open House Mrs. Martin’s Class 2011

2 Curriculum Reading - In fourth grade the students are reading to learn instead of learning to read. We start teaching skills and strategies from the CAFÉ menu. Reading units are developed by genre. The whole class will be studying the same genre, yet individuals will be working on stories at their appropriate level. Students will be responding to their reading in notebooks and reading lots of choice books. Spelling - The district has adopted the Sittin spelling program. This program focuses on students learning to spell the words they will most frequently use in their writing. Students will have individualized words to learn based on assessments. There will also be spelling and proofreading skills taught throughout each unit. Math - Instruction is based on the Everyday Math curriculum. Please continue to study math facts. Writing – We continue using writers workshop in fourth grade. The students are introduced to different forms of writing. They are also taught grammar skills such as parts of speech and indenting paragraphs. Also, each student received a writing notebook where they are recording ideas for stories, practicing different crafts of writing and writing stories. Science/Social Studies - This year in science the students will study the human body, mammals, land and water, electricity, and plants. In social studies we will be studying map skills, the Iroquois, New York state history, and the settling of Elma, Marilla, and Wales.

3 Homework All homework work will be posted on the website nightly. Every night students are expected to read for 15-20 minutes. Every Wed. students will have to complete a free write in their notebooks. Math homework will be give most nights. Spelling contracts are give out about every other week.

4 Classroom Management Classroom Rules Respect others Take Responsibility for your actions and do your best work Listen to your teach and peers Be honest Keep our room clean Super Stars When students are doing excellent work they will receive a super star coupon that is places is the bucket. At the end of everyday I draw 2 coupons and those children receive a sweet treat. Consequences If a child needs more that one reminder of one of the rules, then he or she will go on yellow light. When this happens they will walk during half of their recess time. If a child still is misbehaving then they will go on red light and write a note home to their parents that will be have to be signed and returned. Bullying is an automatic red light.

5 Sign Up Sheets Please sign up on the back table to volunteer for our class parties and theme basket. Please sign up for parent conferences. Please take a star.

6 Mrs. Martin's Top Five Things parents can do to help their child be successful 5. Designate a quiet place for your child to do homework 4. Talk to your child about what's going on at school 3. Practice the basic math facts for at least 10 minutes three times a week 2. Read with your child at least 15 minutes a night 1. Give your child a HUG everyday

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