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© Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Another Presentation © 2001 - All rights Reserved

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2 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

3 Another Presentation © 2001 - All rights Reserved

4 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

5 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Round 1Round 2 Final Jeopardy

6 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Colonies Regional Geography Controlling the Colonies Colonial Products Colonial Culture Economy Terms $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Scores

7 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 This colony was once part of Pennsylvania

8 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 What is Delaware? Scores

9 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 This colony was once called New Netherland

10 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What is New York? Scores

11 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 This colony was originally created for debtors

12 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 What is Georgia? Scores

13 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 This colony was established by Thomas Hooker

14 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is Connecticut Scores

15 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 This colony was a haven for Catholics

16 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What is Maryland? Scores

17 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 This region only had one river running through it

18 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 What is New England? Scores

19 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 This region was hot, humid, and swampy

20 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What are the Southern Colonies? Scores

21 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 This region had fertile soil, and exported large quantities of grain products

22 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 What are the Middle Colonies? Scores

23 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved

24 $400 This region was home to the Tidewater and Piedmont regions

25 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is the South? Scores

26 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 This region was largely unsettled because of the mountains

27 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What is the Backcountry? Scores

28 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 These laws protected mercantilism

29 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 What are the Navigation Acts? Scores

30 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 Colonists were only allowed to transport goods using …

31 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What is Colonial or English ships Scores

32 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 This percentage was the minimum required crew members on ships

33 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 What is ¾ English Scores

34 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 The colonists violated the Navigation Acts by this

35 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is smuggling? Scores

36 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 The term for ignoring colonial smuggling was this

37 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What is salutary neglect? Scores

38 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 Lumber was a huge seller for this region

39 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 What is New England? Scores

40 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 The Middle Colonies were known as the Bread Basket because their biggest crop was this

41 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What is wheat? Scores

42 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 This crop was used to make purple dye

43 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 What is indigo? Scores

44 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 This product allowed people to trade in oil for lamps

45 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What are whales? Scores

46 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 The South’s largest selling staple crop

47 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What is tobacco? Scores

48 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 This region was most diverse

49 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 What are the Middle Colonies? Scores

50 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 This region had little education because of their economy

51 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What is the South? Scores

52 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 As a result of a lot of trade, these emerged in New England

53 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 What are cities? Scores

54 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Due to a demand for labor, this institution became part of the Southern culture

55 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is Slavery? Scores

56 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 This region grew wealthy at a steady pace

57 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What is North? Scores

58 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 A range of different things, a variety

59 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $100 What is diversity? Scores

60 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 A way of life

61 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $200 What is culture? Scores

62 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 A method of farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families

63 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $300 What is subsistence farming? Scores

64 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 Signed a contract to work from 4-10 years in the colonies for anyone who would pay his or her ocean passage to the Americas

65 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $400 What is an indentured servant? Scores

66 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 One focuses on producing a limited number of products or services or becoming an expert in a particular skill

67 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved $500 What is specialization? Scores

68 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved Scores Colonial Economy Final Jeopardy Question

69 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved They limited the economic activity of the colonists while maximizing the profits for England

70 © Mark E. Damon - All Rights Reserved What is How the Navigation Acts demonstrate the concept of control? Scores

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