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©Sara Duncan 1998 Instructions for the game... Click on the text box that says “your text here. Enter your text in the box. Add pizzazz by using graphics.

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Presentation on theme: "©Sara Duncan 1998 Instructions for the game... Click on the text box that says “your text here. Enter your text in the box. Add pizzazz by using graphics."— Presentation transcript:


2 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Instructions for the game... Click on the text box that says “your text here. Enter your text in the box. Add pizzazz by using graphics Add additional pizzazz by using sounds Add a background by clicking on format background When you save your finished product please remember to rename the file and save as a presentation.

3 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Gilded Age Jeopardy You might want to add music to this slide.

4 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Don’t Forget... Contestants

5 ©Sara Duncan 1998 …Always phrase your answers in the form of a question!

6 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Hands on your buzzers, its...

7 ©Sara Duncan 1998 500 100 200 300 100 300 200 300 200 100 200 500 300 200 100 400 PeoplePlacesIdeas Favorite s Inventio n

8 ©Sara Duncan 1998 He made a fortune in Standard Oil Who is…? People for $100

9 ©Sara Duncan 1998 John D. Rockefeller Back to Game

10 ©Sara Duncan 1998 He made a fortune in Railroads Who is…? People for $200

11 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Commodore Vanderbilt Back to Game

12 ©Sara Duncan 1998 He built a fortune by lulling passengers to sleep Who is…? People for $300

13 ©Sara Duncan 1998 George Pullman Back to Game

14 ©Sara Duncan 1998 His steel process improved the quality of steel Who is…? People for $400

15 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Henry Bessmer Good Answer! Back to Game

16 ©Sara Duncan 1998 His generosity lead to the development of Who is…? People for $500

17 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Back to Game Andrew Carneige

18 ©Sara Duncan 1998 The first Electrified City What is…? Places for $100

19 ©Sara Duncan 1998 New York City Back to Game

20 ©Sara Duncan 1998 This city becomes home to steel What is…? Places for $200

21 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Pittsburg Back to Game

22 ©Sara Duncan 1998 The World’s Fair where the telephone is introduced Where is…? Places for $300

23 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Philadelphia Back to Game

24 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Where is…? Places for $400 The transcontinental railroads meet here

25 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Promontory Point, Utah Back to Game

26 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Where is…? Places for $500 Home to “summer cottages” of the rich

27 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Newport, Rhode Island Back to Game

28 ©Sara Duncan 1998 All of us communicate with Mr. Bell’s device for the deaf What is…? Inventions for $100

29 ©Sara Duncan 1998 telephone Back to Game

30 ©Sara Duncan 1998

31 The invention of the telegraph increased the influence of the What is…? Inventions for $200

32 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Newspapers Back to Game

33 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Inventions for $300 This energy source replaces steam power

34 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Electric power Back to Game

35 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Inventions for $400 Which of the following was not invented by Edison, arc lamp, phonograph, motion picture, incandescent light bulb

36 ©Sara Duncan 1998 The Arc Lamp Back to Game

37 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Inventions for $500 James Naismith discovered an additional use for a peach basket

38 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Basketball Back to Game

39 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Ideas for $100 Belief that the survival of the fittest applied to business

40 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Social Darwinism. Back to Game

41 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Who is…? Ideas for $200 Pastor who believed in helping the poor by redeeming their souls & reforming character

42 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Revivalists : lead by Dwight Moody Back to Game

43 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Ideas for $300 Gather farm families for fellowship, political strength & learn new farming techniques.

44 ©Sara Duncan 1998 The Grange Back to Game

45 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Ideas $400 Booker T. Washington’s belief that Blacks could gain opportunities best through this type of education…..

46 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Vocational Work : Tuskegee Institute. Back to Game

47 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Ideas for $500 Afraid of the influence of immigrants,Nativists wanted to have laws to

48 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Limit immigration, especially of Catholics Back to Game

49 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Who are the ? Favorites for $100 This baseball team changed it’s name to the Cincinnati Reds

50 ©Sara Duncan 1998 The Red Stockings Back to Game

51 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Favorites for $200 The purpose of Tammany Hall was

52 ©Sara Duncan 1998 A political machine that gave favors like jobs, housing, & police protection in exchange of votes. Back to Game

53 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Who are the…? Favorites for $300 2 groups of immigrants that built the transcontinental r.r..

54 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Chinese & Irish Back to Game

55 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Favorites for $400 This group “rang” a bell for change through practical aid & religious counseling

56 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Salvation Army Back to Game

57 ©Sara Duncan 1998 What is…? Favorites for $500 Jane Addams opened this famous “house” in Chicago

58 ©Sara Duncan 1998 Hull House: a settlement house to improve living conditions of the poor Back to Game

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