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Green School Leadership Institute Presentation July 21, 2011.

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1 Green School Leadership Institute Presentation July 21, 2011

2 The Gables School staff is committed to being a community of learners that recognizes the value of sustaining itself through everyday eco-friendly practices. We will use the first year as an educational year to introduce good green practices and encourage our school community to be more conscientious.

3 By June 2012: we will increase the awareness of green practices. recycling will increase. paper use will decline. every student will have visited SummerWood twice. every student will participate in a monthly green activity within their class.

4 Our team will complete a building walk through using the Green School survey Survey Our Staff to establish prior knowledge First Day Staff Meeting – Green Schools Leadership Institute Sharing Board of Education Showcase Presentation Establish a Green section in our school library

5 Township received a Safe Routes Grant Traffic light was installed to encourage students walking/biking to school Bike rack purchased and installed Gables gators will be painted on sidewalk (collaboration with the town) Walk to School Kick-off (Mayor to attend)

6 Recycled Bird Feeders Take Home Recycling Kits Eco-Swap Tissue Boxes Follow That Bottle Love Letters to the Earth Mr. Yuk’s Poison Awareness (Green Cleaning) Hand Made Recycled Planters Trash Art Leftover Litter

7 Plans are underway for an outdoor classroom Mr. Woerner, Env. Science Teacher District Green School Curriculum Committee Teacher Buy-In – Grade Level Meetings were held to compile a list of components of the outdoor classroom – Summer Committee to create activities that align to standards and support curriculum


9 Establish a Green Committee made up of one student from each third, fourth and fifth grade Hold monthly meetings to involve students in the implementation and education of greening our school Involve students in selecting a school wide project

10 Incorporate green tips in Principal’s monthly newsletter Work with PTO to conduct green fundraisers (Smencils and water bottles) Encourage litter free lunches Green Wednesdays

11 1.Present to the PTO 2.Email survey to staff prior to start of school 3.Contact Recycling Center regarding items they recycle that we don’t already and possible field trips. 4.Encourage field trips have a green theme 5.Contact EPA for teacher and student resources 6.Plan and maintain a Gables Goes Green bulletin board made of recycled projects and student work products, etc. 7.Schedule classes for use of Science Room

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