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Red Acid Dye Effects of Microbial Life Ryan Kramer Grade 11 Pittsburgh Central Catholic.

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Presentation on theme: "Red Acid Dye Effects of Microbial Life Ryan Kramer Grade 11 Pittsburgh Central Catholic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red Acid Dye Effects of Microbial Life Ryan Kramer Grade 11 Pittsburgh Central Catholic

2 Problem Water systems are polluted with: Antibiotics Pharmaceuticals (Estrogen, etc.) Mercury Sulfur Sewage Fertilizers Organics Cleaning projects Dyes and other colored agents

3 Dye Effects on Water Studies have shown that dyes add unwanted colors and toxins to water that effect microbial life and algal photosynthetic rates.

4 Euglena Gracilis Unicellular organism from the Protista Kingdom. Both autotrophic and heterotrophic. Found in fresh and salt water. Reproduce rapidly. Absorbs light readily.

5 Acid Dye Used by companies to color clothing, textiles, ect. Researchers claim they’re non toxic and have no harmful effect on aquatic life. Billions of gallons dumped changed photosynthetic rates and alter PH harming aquatic life. Modern chemistry still can’t prevent all dye problems Sudan I crisis in the UK when a carcinogenic dye got in over 400 super market items.

6 Food Coloring Studies have shown colors affect taste For this reason companies add colors to enhance dining experience It is a non-toxic dye. Chosen because Its non-toxic Easy to obtain Will test if color alone will effect algal growth

7 Spectrophotometer Device measuring light intensity or wavelengths of light Used for measuring light absorption Measures the light absorption of the algae More absorption means more algae Wavelength: 430nm

8 Purpose To determine if dyes have an effect on the growth of the Euglena Gracilis.

9 Hypothesis Null Hypotheses: Adding color will not have a significant effect on algal growth. Alternative Hypotheses: Adding color will have a significant effect on algal growth.

10 Materials Science Kit Educator Spectrophotometer 80 13x100 mm borosilicate culture test tubes Red food coloring Micropipette Test tube rack Pipette tips Red Acid Dye Euglena Gracilis Microscope Hemocytometer Spring Water Soil Water

11 Procedure Stock solutions of food coloring and dye were generated. Spring H 2 OSoil H 2 OEuglenaAD/FC 0%2mL1mL2mL0mL 1%1.90mL1mL2mL10uM 5%1.50mL1mL2mL50uM

12 Procedure The spectrophotometer was blanked and absorbance readings were taken. Absorbance readings for each tube were taken at 430 nm every day for two weeks. After two weeks a cell count was taken with a hemocytometer at 100 times magnification to check if the cells were alive after 2 weeks.

13 Euglena Absorbance P Value: 6.064x10E-29

14 Dunnett’s Test Variable GroupT ValueInterpretation 1 % FC3.51Significant 5 % FC5.43Significant 1% AD5.51Significant 5% AD10.63Significant T Crit: 3.48

15 Euglena Cell Counts After 14 Days P Value: 4.43E-12

16 Dunnett’s Test Variable GroupT ValueInterpretation 1 % FC3.57Significant 5 % FC5.289Significant 1% AD6.289Significant 5% AD11.889Significant T Crit: 3.48

17 Conclusion The null hypothesis was rejected for all four groups in the absorbance and cell count tests. This means that the algae survivorship was significantly effected by the red colored dyes. The most likely explanation for the decline in algal growth was the added color effected photosynthetic rates.

18 Limits and Extension Limits The test tubes may have receive differing amounts of sun light which could change photosynthesis. Only one type of algae was used in this experiment. Extensions Test more colors of dye. Introduce a compound to break down the dye to see if dye break down affect the algal growth.

19 References K.Suthagar. POLLUTION_CONTROL_IN_DYE_INDUSTRY-_22- 04-09. National Centre for Catalysis Research. PPT. "Water Pollution." MBGnet. Web. 05 Nov. 2011.. "BBC NEWS | Health | Food Recalled in Cancer Dye Scare." BBC News - Home. Web. 05 Nov. 2011.. "Acid Dye." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 05 Nov. 2011.. "Food Coloring." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Nov. 2011.. ookps.html

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