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 The Hallmark Awards Program, which reflects the scholarly ideals of Phi Theta Kappa, serves to recognize superior individual and chapter achievement.

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2  The Hallmark Awards Program, which reflects the scholarly ideals of Phi Theta Kappa, serves to recognize superior individual and chapter achievement in Society programs. In this program, chapters compete against one another. Participation encourages excellence, reflects fairness, recognizes quality, and leads to enhanced student, advisor, and chapter development.

3  Distinguished College Administrator Award [25]  VPs, Deans, Leaders serving administrative capacity  Faculty & department chairs are not eligible  Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction [25]  College Presidents, Campus CEOs  Distinguished State Director Award  State’s Community College Director  Michael Bennett Lifetime Achievement Award  Retiring College Presidents, CEOs, State Directors

4  Distinguished Chapter Member  Distinguished Chapter Officer  Distinguished Chapter Officer Team  Paragon Award for New Advisors  Distinguished Chapter Advisor  Continued Excellence Award for Advisors

5  Honors in Action Project Award  Implementing project focusing on one of the ten issues in the Honors Study Guide using all four Hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, & Fellowship  College Project Award  Discuss College Project requirement in Three-Star Level of Five Star Chapter Development Plan  Distinguished Chapter [top 10%]  Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award  Top 10 Chapters

6  Distinguished Regional Coordinator [3]  Distinguished Region [3]  Regional Milestone [3]  Distinguished Regional Officer [10]  Distinguished Regional Officer Team [3]  Alumni Association Award of Merit [1]

7  Select 1 issue to focus on from:  Issue 1: Definition  Issue 2: Technology  Issue 3: Individual & Community  Issue 4: Language & Communication  Issue 5: Education  Issue 6: Economy & Business  Issue 7: Government & Public Policy  Issue 8: The Arts  Issue 9: Science  Issue 10: History & The Future

8  Five Star Development Plan  Serves as a blueprint for developing a strong chapter  Chapter implements a project which is determined by the chapter and college president or other administrator.  Examples Include:  Hosting Honors Seminar Series for the campus and community, Helping with college graduation, serving as college ambassadors, or mentoring incoming freshmen

9  Chapter Awards  Honors in Action Project  College Project  Catch a Shining Star Awards  Progress Award for Most Improved Chapter  Most Distinguished Chapter  Individual Awards  Most Distinguished Member  Most Distinguished Chapter Officer

10  Most Distinguished Officer Team  Advisor Awards  Dr. John Kesler Award for New Advisor  Dr. Mary Navarro Most Distinguished Advisor  Milestone Award for Advisors  Administrator Awards  Same categories, guidelines, & deadline as International

11  Check spelling, grammar, etcetera  Points are deducted  Use Rubrics  Tell you exactly what judges are looking for  Administrator Awards have early deadline of Wednesday, December 1, 2011 at 5:00 PM CDT  Submit online to Headquarters by Wednesday, February 2, 2011 by 5:00 PM CDT  Deliver to Regional Coordinator by Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 5:00 PM CDT

12  Hallmark Awards Program   2010 – 2011 Honors Program Guide   Five Star Chapter Development Plan   Chapter Resource Manual   The Ohio Region Handbook

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