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Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova User Requirements: Maria Grazia Pia Genova, 29 September 2000 Capture Geant4-DNA.

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Presentation on theme: "Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova User Requirements: Maria Grazia Pia Genova, 29 September 2000 Capture Geant4-DNA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova User Requirements: Maria Grazia Pia Genova, 29 September 2000 Capture Geant4-DNA

2 Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova Work Package 2: Collection of UR oVisualisation requirements l DNA and cellular structures visualisation; particle tracks l Visualisation of biological and chemical processes; visualisation of DNA ruptures Scaling and zooming oGeneral simulation and data analysis requirements l Hierarchy and scalability of the simulation l Combination of DNA and cellular simulation results ultimately to macroscopic biological predictions l Run-time requirements  Identification of areas where new physics data or models are required oIdentification of areas where biological information, data or theories are currently missing oPhysics and processes requirements l Heavy ion interactions with molecular structures l Low energy electromagnetic interactions l Step size and energy loss requirements; secondary particle production l Other physics and processes required in biological targets in general, and in the vicinity of cells and DNA molecules in particular l Consideration of biological processes (such as DNA repair mechanisms, apoptosis) vs. physical processes oGeometry requirements l Implementation of the structure of the DNA l Implementation of the composition of the DNA l Other cellular structures Shielding provided by the biological tissue

3 Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova Capture of user requirements ] It is the process of gathering information about user needs ] PSS-05 recommends that: l UR should be clarified through criticism and experience of existing software and prototypes l wide agreement should be established through interviews and surveys l knowledge and experience of the potential development organizations should be used to help decide on implementation feasibility and build prototypes

4 Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova Methods for User Requirements capture ] Interviews and surveys l Must be structured, to make sure that all issues are covered l Useful to ensure that UR are complete and there is wide agreement ] Studies of existing software l Good or bad features of existing software can identify requirements for the new software ] Feasibility studies l Analysis and design of the principal features of the system may show whether implementation is possible ] Prototyping l Useful especially if requirements are unclear or incomplete l The prototype is based on tentative requirements, then explore what is really wanted ] Use cases and scenarios l Thinking systematically in a variety of situations

5 Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova Problems in Requirements Elicitation ] Users may know what they want, but are unable to articulate the requirements ] Users may not know what is technologically capable and may not consider what is possible ] Users may have reasons for not wanting to communicate the requirements ] Users and developers sometimes do not speak the same language ] No single user has all the answers, the requirements will most likely come from many sources ] Developers may not have the necessary skills to get the requirements from the users ] Developers sometimes do not appreciate the needs or concerns of the users ] Developers sometimes tend to bulldoze the users into agreeing on the developers requirements

6 Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova Proposal of organization Let’s define éMilestones éProject paths éTasks éResponsibilities Proposal of Project paths n Geometry UR n Physics UR + missing models, data n Biology UR + missing models, data n Visualisation UR n General simulation UR Goal: producing the URD according to the contract schedule (1 March 2001) Proposal of Milestones 31/10/2000 - 31/10/2000 All preparatory material ready 30/11/2000 - 30/11/2000 1st list of UR 20/12/2000 - 20/12/2000 1st URD draft 15/01/2001 - 15/01/2001 Iteration on the list of UR 7/02/2001 - 7/02/2001 2nd URD draft 20/02/2001 - 20/02/2001 Final URD Proposal of Tasks (all/some for each path) n analysis of existing software, models ësurvey, produce list, work plan n prototypes ëdecide which, produce list, work plan n elicitation through interviews and surveys ëprepare template questionnaire, list of candidates n discussion with Geant4 experts about feasibility

7 Maria Grazia Pia, INFN Genova Responsibilities âA responsible for each Project Path âA Working Group for each Project Path -decide the strategies to adopt (in collaboration with Project Coordinators) -capture requirements -write specifications -do requirement analysisDeliverables l A work plan by each Project Path responsible (15/10/2000) -which approaches to adopt -list of tasks to perform -responsibilities within the Working Group l Preparatory material (31/10/2000) to be discussed with Project Coordinators -Questionnaire, list of sw codes, of prototypes to build, of people to contact for surveys etc. l UR lists and URD drafts for the Project Path, according to Milestones

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