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Marine Species of the British Isles And Surrounding Seas Esther Hughes DASSH & MEDIN

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1 Marine Species of the British Isles And Surrounding Seas Esther Hughes DASSH & MEDIN

2 Aims The history of the UK marine species dictionary WORMS, ERMS, MSBIAS and other acronyms. USING MSBIAS

3 The history of the UK marine species dictionary Taxonomic nomenclature is one of the oldest controlled vocabularies! 17 th /18 th century – The age of the ‘gentleman naturalist’. Many surveys undertaken for specific interests e.g. molluscs - often self funded. 1900’s – 1950’s Regional lists appear e.g. Plymouth Marine Fauna, Fauna of the Clyde Sea etc. 1980’s Northern Ireland Sublittoral Survey, data stored in database needed checklist for efficient storage = 1987 ‘Species directory’ created Howson and Picton (updated several times in subsequent decade) Species dictionary integrated into the NHM Dictionary – integrated into the NBN species list/ Marine Recorder list

4 The history of the UK marine species dictionary 2000’s – NHM support for marine list dropped. Updates now add hoc. Marine Recorder,Unicorn (DB used by many commercial companies) dictionaries diverge. Updates patchy… Meanwhile in Continental Europe… 2001 - Creation of ERMS - European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification (Costello et al. 2001) 2005 – ERMS Database on the internet 2007 – ERMS goes Global - WORMS! (World Register of Marine Species)

5 MSBIAS Needed a managed list – to account for updates Needed a UK controlled vocabulary for MEDIN This is not just a marine or a UK problem. PESI (Pan European Species Inventory) Was funded by the EU to create an all-taxa species list for Europe - MBA Involvement in PESI allowed for the development of an updated species list for the British Isles (MSBIAS ) as a subset of WORMS Integrated Marine Recorder and Unicorn lists with MSBIAS Updated taxonomy Integrated with UK Species Inventory at the NHM.

6 How does the species dictionary work now? General taxonomy changes updated automatically by WORMS via taxonomic experts - updates MSBIAS MSBIAS steering group allow new species to be added to UK lists. MSBIAS team liaise with NHM to keep changes aligned with the UK Species Inventory. > NHM control NBN dictionary. Turnaround for changes currently 1-2 days (may take longer to get to tools).


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