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* No outside access * Anyone registered in the 4hOnline system will have access * Club/Unit specific.

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2 * No outside access * Anyone registered in the 4hOnline system will have access * Club/Unit specific

3 Login Screen at: Youth Login Required family record book password Adult Login Required 4hOnline account password County Admin Login Same as 4hOnline Login State Admin Login Same as 4hOnline Login Launch Date is September 1, 2011

4 Enter same email as 4hOnline login Enter same password as 4hOnline

5 * The 4-H Online Record Book provides connection with members and volunteers enrolled in a 4-H Club or unit. * Simple interface * Sparkle * Spark Score (The spark score will only show the points received and not your responses to the surveys.) * Club meetings * Development activities * Presentations * Photographs * Comments * Promotions * These features are used to provide an interactive community forum to stay updated on members’ activities.

6 California 4-H Online Record Book System Community Expectations * Be respectful of others. * Use appropriate language and not use profanity. * Be honest. * Not pretend to be someone else. * Not bully, intimidate, or harass others. * Not transmit or post content that is hateful, threatening, explicit, or sexual in nature; provokes violence; or contains graphic or gratuitous violence. * Not post copyrighted material. * Not promote specific religious beliefs or political opinions. * Not upload viruses or other malicious code. * Not attempt to gain access to areas, information, servers, domains, or other material to which expressed permission has not been given. * Accept responsibility for your actions.

7 Tutorial Screen pop up: The tutorial will run through a basic navigation of the ORB system.


9 * Summary screens for members enrolled * Project meetings * Events * Awards

10 Add Bar

11 Profile Tab: My Messages: A short cut to access personal messages. All messages are logged by system. My Photo Albums: List of all photos that have been uploaded by user. My Settings: Section 508 Accessibility

12 County Activities by PDR: List all posted activities by all members of county. County Activities by Project: List of all posted activities grouped by Project County Meetings: List all club meetings posted in ORB County Roster: List of all members in county with club association

13 County Activities by PDR County Activities by Project County Meetings Similar screens Date and Activity are available to be rearranged chronologically and alphabetically.

14 The Member Roster lists members in alphabetical order and also gives Age as inputted in the 4hOnline System

15 Club List

16 Club Administration

17 Placing in Star Ranks Allow Login Control of Social aspect

18 Youth Screen

19 Clubs: How many clubs member is in Projects: How many projects member is in Activities: How many activities member has posted Spark Score: How many spark points earned by member Hours: How many hours members have entered into ORB via projects, meetings, etc… Silver : Current star achieved Youth : Person is a youth member

20 Spark points are generated by the Spark Score panel Each time a member answers a survey they earn spark points The surveys are based on Thrive materials Spark surveys are optional and not required but please encourage members to fill them out anyway The Spark surveys do not impact record books nor do they count toward any record book competition


22 * Progress Bar * Summary information about the year * Meetings auto calculated When a member is ready to submit a record they will click on a record book icon that will take them here

23 Completed reports for review will appear here for leaders

24 Action Center : Where leaders will be able to review the submitted forms such as the Junior Teen Leader Development Report, Annual Project Report, or a completed record book

25 Sample screen of what a Junior or Teen Leader will see

26 Helping members and volunteers log into the ORB system Members and Volunteers will need to sign into 4hOnline system For those members and families without access, they will need to click on “I forgot my password” A password will then be sent to them via the 4hOnline system

27 This new screen will appear. For families to set their ORB password they will need to click on “Change Youth Password for Recordbooks” The orange "Continue to Family" bar will NOT appear for counties that have disallowed entering/editing of enrollment records. 4hOnline will be adding the capability for families to change their 4hOnline password in this screen

28 A new box will appear where the family then sets the online record book password. Regardless of how many members are in a family, the one password will be shared by the entire family. Forgotten or Lost ORB Passwords are reset by the same method.

29 * Families will not have to enter into the 4hOnline system any further to set ORB password. * Record Book Manual is being updated – Completion September 1 * A new Online Record Book Manual is being developed – Completion September 1 * Both the Record Book Manual and the Online Record Manual will correspond with each other. * There will be no difference in the Online version or the paper version of the record book.

30 * Use current record book Yahoo group: * Current Record Book Support Page: cordBook/ cordBook/ County Staff Only * Email hotline: * Phone hotline at 530-752-4790

31 * September 1: Open to entire state * August – November: Correct basic issues found through use * September – December: I&R Committee develops State Judging guidelines

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