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PESB Standards Standard 1: PEAB. How Standards are Judged Standards are deemed unmet, met or exemplary. A standard is deemed ‘met’ if: A program offers.

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Presentation on theme: "PESB Standards Standard 1: PEAB. How Standards are Judged Standards are deemed unmet, met or exemplary. A standard is deemed ‘met’ if: A program offers."— Presentation transcript:

1 PESB Standards Standard 1: PEAB

2 How Standards are Judged Standards are deemed unmet, met or exemplary. A standard is deemed ‘met’ if: A program offers credible evidence which is related to the standard being addressed. A program offers evidence which reflects the program. A program offers evidence from a multitude of sources. Some of the evidence is student- or candidate-based. The evidence as a whole is persuasive.

3 How Standards are Judged Continued A standard is deemed ‘exemplary’ if: All of the requirements under the ‘met’ rating are addressed. The requirements listed under met are addressed. The committee members demonstrate initiative by presenting cohesive, innovative data.

4 Standard 1: PEAB This standard is to be addressed by the Professional Education Advisory Board (PEAB). Communication can be improved between the PEAB members and the Cross Campus Education Committee members.

5 Standard 1.1b Meeting Activities The PEAB is to review the requirements of each program at least once every five years and offer suggestions. Each endorsement area is to submit a report to the PEAB detailing the requirements and standards specific to their program and how each is being addressed. Evidence includes student surveys, follow-up studies, employment placement records, student performance portfolios and assessment of student candidates.

6 Standard 1.2a Collaboration The PEAB and at least one faculty member from each program correspond for the benefit of both the PEAB and the programs. Evidence includes minutes, annual reports, list of PEAB recommendations and responses, PEAB interviews, faculty interviews and positive effects on student learning.

7 Source for Information All information is paraphrased from the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) website.

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