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MBE, Update John Pollak Cornell University. Objectives Build a national pedigree file and database To achieve a unified national evaluation To migrate.

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Presentation on theme: "MBE, Update John Pollak Cornell University. Objectives Build a national pedigree file and database To achieve a unified national evaluation To migrate."— Presentation transcript:

1 MBE, Update John Pollak Cornell University

2 Objectives Build a national pedigree file and database To achieve a unified national evaluation To migrate the “complete package” to an industry entity.

3 Growth Model Prototype runs – Evaluations run for all breeds interested in research runs with multibreed evaluations. Production Runs – Evaluations run on a subset of breeds who were willing to commit to the second phase of the project.

4 Prototype Runs Prototype runs (weights) – Weights – need to load six more breeds. Schedule October, rerun August prototype dataset. November, will try to run all breeds. Last prototype run for weights.

5 National Multibreed Prototype for Weight Traits Current Breeds Simmental, Simbrah, Chianina, Maine Anjou Red Angus Gelbvieh Limousin Charolais South Devon Brangus Shorthorn Saler Not participating: Angus, Hereford, Brahman and some Brahman derivatives Adding: Braford, S.G., Braunvieh, Beefmaster (Senepol?)

6 Production Runs Production runs (weights) – Will run a second “production run” in January, updates in December.

7 National Multibreed Production Evaluation for Weight Traits Breeds in September 2006 Run Simmental, Simbrah, Chianina, Maine Anjou (data only) Red Angus Gelbvieh Brangus

8 Other Traits Threshold traits (calving ease, heifer pregnancy, stayability) – all important to the decision support program. Running CE prototype at CSU this fall.

9 Other Traits Carcass traits (including ultrasound data) Running prototype at CU this spring.

10 Schedule All breeds send data through Cornell, December 2006 “Complete package” - evaluations and decision support available through NBCEC by June of 2008 Last NBCEC production run in 2010

11 Costs All breeds will go on a “per new registration” cost structure in 2007: 25 cents per record (zero sum change to NBCEC) “Complete package” of evaluations: 50 cents per record (reflects costs at full efficiency)

12 National Pedigree File Historic prospective: NBCEC contribution to this file is the unique identification of animals across registries.

13 National Pedigree File Future: Cross referencing file for animals Provide unique identification for cross registration. Provide pedigree information across registries. (eg. F 1 bulls)

14 National Data File Issue: Terminology of data entries Variety of names for similar variables. Creating a data dictionary for uniformity.

15 Evaluation (UG) Seed Stock Industry Database (CU) Data Breed Association Databases Would be useful if consolidation occurred at the data entry level. May need to consider the potential of paths that are non-traditional. CSU or CG assignment

16 Breed Association Databases Evaluation (UG)Decision Support (CSU) Seed Stock Industry Database (CU) Data EPDs Commercial Industry Economic Index

17 Evaluation (UG) CG Assignment Data Filter Decision Support (CSU) Database (CU) Completed by 2008 Moved by 2010 “Complete Package”

18 Comments on Funding Operating from July 06 to 07 (Oct ‘05) “In” House and Senate budget for Oct ’06 Operate from July ‘07 to ‘08 NCBA resolution to move towards more permanent funding (ARS?)

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