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In Small Groups – 3/4 What is Industrial Metabolism? What is Industrial Ecology? What Is Ecological Intelligence? How do you think it applies to Wash.

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Presentation on theme: "In Small Groups – 3/4 What is Industrial Metabolism? What is Industrial Ecology? What Is Ecological Intelligence? How do you think it applies to Wash."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Small Groups – 3/4 What is Industrial Metabolism? What is Industrial Ecology? What Is Ecological Intelligence? How do you think it applies to Wash. U.?

2 In Small Groups - What is Industrial Metabolism? metabolism of industry is the whole integrated collection of physical processes that convert raw materials and energy, plus labour, into finished products and wastes in a (more or less) steady- state condition (fig. 1). The production (supply) side, by itself, is not self-regulating. The stabilizing controls of the system are provided by its human component. This human role has two aspects: (1) direct, as labour input, and (2) indirect, as consumer of output (i.e. determinant of final demand). What is Industrial Ecology? Industrial ecology is the shifting of industrial process from linear (open loop) systems, in which resource and capital investments move through the system to become waste, to a closed loop system where wastes become inputs for new processes. What Is Ecological Intelligence? our ability to accept that we live in an infinitely connected world with finite resources How do you think it applies to Wash. U.?

3 Washington University Danforth University Center Eating Meetings/ Conf Socializing Hot Water Carbon Activity (Sq. Ft.?) Fuels (FM), j Emission (EM), k Electric Cooking Students Gas d k Emission/Fuel- c jk Fuel/Sq. Ft. Working Chilled Water Faculty Staff b ij Sq. Ft./Person Consumes “Food”Produces Waste Carbon Model = Pop*b ij *c jk * d k

4 Hot Water Cold Water Heat air Air in DUC People using the DUC Physical Building Energy Use? Cool air How could electricity or natural gas fit in? Where could recycling be incorporated? Could we reach “sustainable steady state”?

5 White Paper on Sustainable Development and Industrial Ecology, issued by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and quoted in Allenby [21], “is the objective, multidisciplinary study of industrial and economic systems and their linkages with fundamental natural systems.” Under industrial ecology, excess materials are put back into the loop to minimise waste. Where are the waste streams? Which streams don’t really exist?

6 Washington University Danforth University Center Eating Meetings/ Conf Socializing Hot Water Carbon Activity (Sq. Ft.?) Fuels (FM), j Emission (EM), k Electric Cooking Students Gas d jk Emission/Fuel- c ij Fuel/Sq. Ft. Working Chilled Water Faculty Staff b ij Sq. Ft./Person

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