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Transunion Young Transport Workers Conference 26 – 27 September 2011 Riga What can we do? Report on proposed actions.

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1 Transunion Young Transport Workers Conference 26 – 27 September 2011 Riga What can we do? Report on proposed actions

2 What can we do? Report on proposed actions How to attract more young workers to the transport sector? What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? Based on the results of group exercises in which young activists of 36 trade unions from 22 countries took part.

3 What can we do? Report on proposed actions How to attract more young workers to the transport sector? o Graduation scheme: after graduation, a scheme for trainees to rotate in the company and receive remuneration o Implement a range of activities to promote the sector o Promote the improvement of safety conditions o Promote the benefits of working all over the world o Promote the sector in schools and colleges o Improve the working conditions o Cooperate with employers to improve the attractiveness of the sector

4 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Improve the image and reputation of trade unions o Improve the communication o Take action

5 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Recruit actively o Use modern communication tools o Offer new services o Adapt your speech o Adapt your approach o Internal review

6 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Recruit actively o Become more representative, have more members, become more relevant, gain a better negotiation position o Organise events, concerts, poker evenings,… and debates afterwards o Open doors to private companies’ workers o Infiltrate in the companies o Establish direct contact with young workers, immediately, in the course of the first working days

7 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Use modern communication tools o Apply new technology, social networks o Improve transmission of information, key ideas (tv channels, internet, social networks) o Develop a newsletter dedicated to young people o Reach young workers via different channels, using different resources and platforms to transmit young workers visions o Welcome package for new members, o Distribute a leaflet about the union in the course of the first working days o Create a forum with trade unions from different countries, a network

8 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Offer new services o Offer services (advice and knowledge) and benefits to the members o Create a training centre, organise seminars o Provide training on trade union issues, legal issues, labour rights,…

9 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Adapt your speech o Communicate about the benefits for members, trade union strategies, aims, goals, major achievements o Improve the image, show trade unions’ independence from political parties o Incorporate topics like ecology and human rights in your language, written materials o More transparency on the trade unions’ finances o Understand the youth issues and take them into account, e.g. individualism versus solidarity o Offer an alternative to young workers: individualism is a typical employers’ attitude, but there are other solutions.

10 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Adapt your approach o Carry out an improved trade union image via trade union delegates, be more visible o Become the insurance for employment o Propose solutions to problems young workers have o Offer young workers holidays, time off for trade union activities, take family planning into account o Provide effective protection for young workers, including fighting discrimination

11 What can we do? Report on proposed actions What can trade unions do to attract more young workers? o Internal review o Invite young people to trade union events o Reserve seats for young workers in trade union bodies o Integrate the importance of young workers in the trade unions’ philosophy, mission, strategy

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