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Socratic Seminar Guidelines  You must take part in the discussion. Minimal comments will receive minimal grades.  You must be quiet. Whispering or other.

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Presentation on theme: "Socratic Seminar Guidelines  You must take part in the discussion. Minimal comments will receive minimal grades.  You must be quiet. Whispering or other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socratic Seminar Guidelines  You must take part in the discussion. Minimal comments will receive minimal grades.  You must be quiet. Whispering or other distractions(from all students) will be noted and will detract from your grade.  Interject reason and explain your response.  Be sure to use evidence (names, events, places, art, themes)  Convince ME you have the best response.  Feel free to build off the idea of a colleague. However, ensure that you are interjecting your own thoughts and arguments  Always treat other participants with respect.  Allow each person to finish his/her comments before starting with yours—Don’t interrupt.  Take notes!  REMEMBER!!! An “argument” is not emotional chaos. It is a well reasoned response to a question.

2 Themes Period 1 Group 1- “To what extent and in what ways did the Italian Renaissance result from Italy’s geographic advantage in the world trade of the 15 th Century???” Group 2 “Explain why Machiavelli’s book the Prince is both on e of the most misinterpreted books of modern times and the FIRST modern treatise (instruction manual) in political science. (governing) Group 3 “Contrast and COMPARE the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance

3 Period 2 Group 1 “Although the term ‘Renaissance’ is misleading, the modern world began with Renaissance secularism and individualism.” Assess the validity of this statement. Group 2 “Analyze the influence of humanism on the visual arts in the Renaissance. Use at least three specific works (examples) to support your analysis. Group 3 “To what extent did women participate in the Renaisance? Be sure to give specific examples”

4 Period 3 Group 1“Explain why Machiavelli’s book the Prince is both on e of the most misinterpreted books of modern times and the FIRST modern treatise (instruction manual) in political science. (governing) Group 2 “Contrast and COMPARE the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance Group 3 “Explain why Machiavelli’s book the Prince is both on e of the most misinterpreted books of modern times and the FIRST modern treatise (instruction manual) in political science. (governing) Group 3 “Contrast and COMPARE the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance

5 Exit Question In your opinion, who did the Renaissance transform Europe and create the MODERN WORLD!

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