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Governance of AIDS Response UNDP HIV/AIDS Group, BDP Moscow, June 6, 2007.

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1 Governance of AIDS Response UNDP HIV/AIDS Group, BDP Moscow, June 6, 2007

2 HIV/AIDS Group2 Why Focus on Governance? Effective governance is essential for an effective response to HIV and AIDS (Confirmed by UN GA Special High Level June 2006) Emphasizes link between institutional capacities, broad-based stakeholder participation, transparency and accountability Necessary for ensuring consensus, coordination and consistency for planning & Implementation Needed for reliable long-term funding & budgetary allocations

3 HIV/AIDS Group3 Governance of AIDS response & impact of AIDS on governance Interdependence between AIDS & other development indicators is clear Evidence that effective governance including participation is critical Impact of AIDS on governance, what are the different dimensions?

4 HIV/AIDS Group4 Governance at the national level requires:  Political commitment and leadership  Adequate capacity of state institutions  Adequate budget allocation for HIV and AIDS  Effective public service delivery, including public health  Administrative and fiscal decentralization  Stakeholder participation, including civil society and the private sector  Promotion of human rights and gender equality  Incorporating and mainstreaming HIV and AIDS into national development planning

5 HIV/AIDS Group5 Governance at the regional level to achieve:  Improved regional integration and harmonization of AIDS strategies  Economies of scale  Cost-effective policies and action programmes  Greater accountability of governments within regions

6 HIV/AIDS Group6 Governance at the global level  AIDS as a global public policy issue  Trade liberalization and equitable and affordable access to drugs  Debt reduction to ensure AIDS financing  International human rights standards  Greater convergence between the North and South, e.g., AU/NEPAD and the G8  Global partnerships for collective action, e.g., the Three Ones

7 HIV/AIDS Group7 Strategic Approaches Improving aid coordination and harmonization Supporting donor consultative process Strengthening the role of the UN Resident Coordinator Facilitating stakeholder participation and accountability Supporting ways to bridge the gap between long- term vs. emerging responses Incorporating peer review mechanisms Building capacity

8 HIV/AIDS Group8 Key Objectives (SL2) a) Harmonized UN support to national AIDS responses  Support to Resident Coordinator System for functioning Joint UN Teams on AIDS  Promote implementation of Three Ones principles for coordination of national responses b)Strengthening partnerships between government and civil society  Strengthen interface between civil society, communities, parliaments and local governance systems  Help establish structures and mechanisms to enhance transparency, decision-making and accountability

9 HIV/AIDS Group9 Global Support  Development of Knowledge Products – Conceptual & Operational Frameworks on Governance of AIDS Response  Governance of the AIDS Response: Issues and Outlook; Governance and AIDS Literature Review  Three Governance and AIDS Working Papers (Global, National and Operational)  High Level Conference with Global Experts, Policy- Makers and Academics to explore Policy Options around Governance and AIDS  Book on Governance of AIDS Response (Nov. 07)  Global Consultations  E-discussions on Governance and AIDS, Advisory Group on AIDS and Governance

10 HIV/AIDS Group10 Global and Regional Support  Global & Regional Partnerships for Coordination and Knowledge Share – IPU, Oslo Governance Centre, IDASA, CAPAH, regional economic commissions  Regional Consultations to Support Implementation of the Three Ones and Strengthening of the Joint UN Teams (with RR, UCC, UNDP, NACs, CSOs )  Panama Nov 06  OECS Countries (Barbados –July 07)  ICAAP, Sri Lanka (Government-CSO Session – August 07)

11 HIV/AIDS Group11 National Support Sub-regional Training for the OECS using Leadership Methods (July 07) VDA World Campus Caribbean Programme on Governance and AIDS for Government Representatives (July 07) Country Governance Diagnostics and Stakeholder Dialogues (Malawi, Cambodia, Haiti 06, Nine New Countries in Africa 07) Capacity Building on G overnance, AIDS and Economic Policy with senior officials from different African countries (UN IDEP) Decentralization and Local Governance Initiatives (inc. AMICAAL)

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