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Time Travel with the Constitution The Constitutional Convention The Bill of Rights Grade 6 Patti Gehred Mishal Peterangelo.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Travel with the Constitution The Constitutional Convention The Bill of Rights Grade 6 Patti Gehred Mishal Peterangelo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Travel with the Constitution The Constitutional Convention The Bill of Rights Grade 6 Patti Gehred Mishal Peterangelo

2 Table of Contents Activities & Web Sites American Heritage Slides 3 - 6 People in Societies Slides 7 - 10 World Interactions Slides 11-13 Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Slides 14 - 16 Democratic Processes Slides 17 - 19 Decision Making & Resources Slides 20-22 Science, Technology, & Society Slides 23-25

3 American Heritage Activities Students will create a timeline that includes significant historical events after the Revolutionary War. Students will read biographies about the framers of the Constitution. Working in groups, students will role play the Constitutional Convention. Washington

4 American Heritage (continued) Students will collect newspaper articles related to the impact of the Bill of Rights on today’s culture. Working in small groups, students will research court cases from past and present which were debated based on the Bill of Rights.

5 American Heritage Web Sites National Archives and Records Administration An Interactive Guide to the Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is for us Today

6 American Heritage Web Sites (continued) * Picture Books and the Bill of Rights *Teaching the 1st Amendment *Explaining the Bill of Rights *Human Rights *America’s Freedom Document Madison

7 People in Societies Students will explore Search and Seizure amendment. Students will hold a mock court hearing discussing rights of student and rights of the teacher, who had seized the students’ property

8 People in Societies Working in groups, students will make a chart including, rights in school, rights at home, and rights in public. Group will present to class. Teacher will request class to study ‘government’ without any requirements or support given. After chaos ensues, class will discuss the importance of rules and guidelines.

9 People in Societies (continued) Write a letter (email), to current representative discussing current events or issues, with recommended actions.

10 People in Societies Web Sites *The Bill of Rights *U.S. Constitutional Government *In Congress *US Government-Amendment Page *Congress Link Franklin

11 World Interactions Compare and contrast how United States celebrates Independence Day with at least three other countries, such as Canada or France. Compare and contrast our democratic government with communist, socialist governments. Research government structures based on monarchies

12 World Interactions Compare the International Bill of Rights, drafted by the United Nations, to the United States Bill of Rights. Students will prepare a Bill of Rights for an imaginary country.

13 World Interactions Web Sites * We the People * American History Lessons * Dear Mrs. Roosevelt * Constitutional Communications * Story of the Bill of Rights

14 Citizenship Rights & Responsibilites Students will make a collage using newspaper and magazine articles depicting the roles of the three branches of government. Students will create a Bill of rights on poster board for a Classroom Constitution.

15 Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities continued Students will watch a vintage clip of the “Andy Griffith” show, where Barney attempts to recite the Preamble of the Constitution. Using a game show format, students will compete to recite the Preamble of the Constitution. Students will debate which amendment is the most important.

16 Citizenship Web Sites * Message of the Constitution * History of the Constitution * Bill of Rights Discussion * Bill of Rights Quiz * Rights Guaranteed

17 Democratic Processes Students will work as a group to prepare a Bill of Rights, following a class vote, one will be chosen as the class constitution. Students will draw political cartoons. Students will use a decision-making grid to compare positive and negative considerations.

18 Democratic Processes Students will write a poem about the three branches of government. Students will trace the development of democratic ideas and individual rights in selected societies. Students will discuss how policies and actions of government can protect individual rights and freedoms.

19 Democratic Processes Web Sites * Bill or Rights and the Supreme Court * Constitutional Activities * Making a Bill of Rights www.dent.edmonds, * Democracy and the Constitution *Present Issues and the Constitution

20 Decision Making and Resources Students will create a newspaper discussing school wide issues. Students will debate and discuss how to address school violence within the framework of the Bill of Rights. Students will list weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, that led to the creation of the Constitution.

21 Decision Making and Resources (continued) Students will discuss state rights, versus federal rights and how this affects individual rights. Students will create a new amendment that specifically protects the rights of children.

22 Decision Making and Resources Web Sites *Bill of Rights and Local Issues * Government/Student Rights * Reorganization of Bill of Rights www.ericir.syr.ed *A Modern Bill of Rights * Search and Seizure Hamilton

23 Science and Society Students will debate the ethical issues resulting from cloning. Students will construct an Internet Bill of Rights for the classroom and at home. Students will discuss whether “Freedom of Speech” rights should allow anything to be put on the Internet. “Dolly”

24 Science and Society continued Students will prepare a Power Point presentation on a framer of the Constitution they have selected. Students will conduct and online debate with another classroom about whether school uniforms should be mandatory.

25 Science and Society Web Sites * Bill of Rights - Today * Mock Trials * Study of Constitution * Implementation Bill of Rights * The Constitution Web


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