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Pedigrees A pedigree is a diagram of family relationships that uses symbols to represent people and lines to represent genetic relationships. In a pedigree,

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Presentation on theme: "Pedigrees A pedigree is a diagram of family relationships that uses symbols to represent people and lines to represent genetic relationships. In a pedigree,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pedigrees A pedigree is a diagram of family relationships that uses symbols to represent people and lines to represent genetic relationships. In a pedigree, squares show males and circles show females. Horizontal lines connecting a male and female show mating. Vertical lines extending down from a couple show their children. Subsequent generations are written underneath the parental generations. it is customary to shade in the symbol of all individuals that possess the trait of interest.

2 Royal family pedigree expressing the hemophilia allele

3 My pedigree shows that:
The allele for Huntington’s Disease is: Sex linked on the Y Sex linked on the X Autosomal dominant (caused by a dominant allele) Autosomal recessive (caused by a recessive allele)

4 Sex-linked traits 22 of your 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes act the same regardless of your sex- autosomal. The 23rd pair are sex chromosomes Females are XX (inherit an X from each parent) Males are XY (inherit X from mom and Y from dad). Genes found on either the X or Y chromosomes are called sex-linked.

5 Sex-linked cont. There are over a 1,000 X-linked traits; Y-linked traits are rare and mostly deal with sperm production. In woman, a recessive allele on one X can be masked by a dominant allele on the other X. In men, recessive alleles on the X are always expressed since there is not a corresponding allele on the Y. This explains why woman are usually carriers of X-linked traits, but rarely express them. For more info:

6 Autosomal Dominant For those traits exhibiting dominant gene action:
affected individuals have at least one affected parent the phenotype generally appears every generation two unaffected parents only have unaffected offspring The following is the pedigree of a trait controlled by dominant gene action.

7 Autosomal Recessive For those traits exhibiting recessive gene action:
unaffected parents can have affected offspring affected progeny are both male and female The following is the pedigree of a trait controlled by recessive gene action.

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