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1 The influence of political factors on Russian-Finnish economic relations Dr. Valery A. Shlyamin, Trade representative of Russia in Finland Savonlinna,

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Presentation on theme: "1 The influence of political factors on Russian-Finnish economic relations Dr. Valery A. Shlyamin, Trade representative of Russia in Finland Savonlinna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The influence of political factors on Russian-Finnish economic relations Dr. Valery A. Shlyamin, Trade representative of Russia in Finland Savonlinna, 30.07.2015

2 SUCCESSFUL BILATERAL PROJECTS 2 Ore-dressing complex in Kostomuksha (1977-1985) Nuclear power plant in Loviisa (1971-1980)

3 SUCCESSFUL BILATERAL PROJECTS 3 Svetogorsk pulp and paper mill (1972-1990) Deep-diving submersible «Mir» (1985-1987)

4 Real GDP growth rate in 2005-2015 (%) Total investments, % to GDP * - forecast Source: IMF, Ministry of Finance of Finland, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

5 5 Russian-Finnish trade in goods * - estimate by the Trade representation of Russia in Finland Source: Federal Customs Service, 2015 Bln. USD

6 Russian foreign trade growth rate (2005=100%) 6 USA EU Finland Source: Federal Customs Service, 2015

7 Russian foreign trade in August 2014 – May 2015 7 with Finland Exports to Russia – down by 36.7% Share in the Russian imports – down by 0.2 p.p. (from 2.1% to 1.9%) with EU Exports to Russia – down by 31.1% Share in the Russian imports – down by 2.9 p.p. (from 42.5% to 39.6%) with USA Exports to Russia – down by 20.7% Share in the Russian imports – up by 0.5 p.p. (from 5.9% to 6.4%) Source: Federal Customs Service, 2015

8 Perspective directions and projects of the Russian-Finnish economic cooperation Arctic technologies including special shipbuilding e.g. Construction of ice-class vessels at the Helsinki Ship Yard under Russian and Finnish orders Energy, energy efficiency and cleantech e.g. Nuclear power station project Hanhikivi-1 by Rosatom Bio-Medical sphere, ICT, Photonics, Biotechnologies There are a number of joint initiatives e.g. Joint development and construction of robots and there components, including surgery robot complex

9 999 EuroRussia Forum Secretariat Banks Insurance companies Funds Banks Insurance companies Funds Office of the Representative of the President in the North-West Federal District ; Russian Officials Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Finnish Officials ALAKURTTI Technological park Yanino logistics center Vyborg enterprise network Ladoga region technological park ”Nature” enterprise network Svetogorsk-Imatra Technological park «EuroRussia» Forum – perspective project of the Russian-Finnish state-private partnership

10 10 Thank you for attention!

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