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CV system Ch 10 Blood and Genetics PPT 2 Genetics Vocabulary Gene- inherited unit, determines traits Allele- copy of gene Dominant- allele, capital letter,

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2 CV system Ch 10 Blood and Genetics PPT 2

3 Genetics Vocabulary Gene- inherited unit, determines traits Allele- copy of gene Dominant- allele, capital letter, “A” Recessive- allele, lower case letter, “a”

4 Genetics Homozygous- 2 same alleles, “AA” “aa” Heterozygous- 2 diff. alleles, “Aa” Genotype- alleles “AA” “Aa” “aa” Phenotype- physical expression of genotype Punnett square- tool to figure out probability of possible offspring

5 Human ABo Blood Typing RBC’s contain proteins called antigens (agglutinogens)(Ag) on their surface Blood type is determined by which Antigen is present on the surface of the RBC 2 Ag’s = A, B


7 Human ABo Blood Typing Blood types have proteins called antibodies (agglutinins) (Ab’s) in the plasma opposite of antigens present 2 Ab’s = anti-A, anti-B

8 Human ABo Blood Typing Codominance- two alleles equally dominant Multiple alleles- more than 2 alleles for a gene or trait 3 alleles I A I B both dominant i (recessive for type O)

9 Human ABo Blood Groups Blood type(phenotype) genotypes ______________________________ AI A I A, I A i BI B I B, I B i ABI A I B Oii

10 Blood types Ag’s present Ab’s present (phenotype)__________________________________ A Aanti-B B Banti-A AB A and Bnone O None anti-A and anti-B

11 Ex blood typing problem Heterozygous A woman and homozygous B man have children, what are genotypes and phenotypes of children? Parents I A i I B I B Offspring G: 1/2 I A I B and 1/2 I B i P: 1/2 type AB blood, 1/2 type B blood

12 Blood Transfusions Transfusion- transfer of organ or blood from donor to recipient Universal donor- Type O, no Ag’s, both Ab’s (no antigens for other blood types to recognize (”its invisible to other blood types) Universal recipient- Type AB, no Ab’s, both Ag’s (no antibodies to recognize other blood types introduced)

13 Blood transfusions Ab’s(antibodies) agglutinate with Ag’s (antigens) if wrong blood type given in a transfusion Transfusion reaction (bad) = agglutination Hemolysis of RBC’s


15 Hemolysis: destruction of RBCs

16 Rh Blood Typing Another Ag on surface of RBC = Rh+ Ab (antibodies against it) can be made if negative blood (Rh -) is exposed to/mixed with Rh+ antigen. The Antibody is called anti-Rh+ 2 alleles Rh+ dominant Rh- recessive Rhesus monkey

17 Rh Blood typing Phenotypesgenotypes _______________________________ + bloodRh+Rh+ Rh+Rh- -bloodRh-Rh-

18 Rh Blood Typing Blood type Ag present Ab ______________________________ + Rh+none - none can make anti-Rh+

19 Rh Blood Typing and HDN If Rh- blood mixed with Rh+ blood, then person with Rh- blood makes anti-Rh+ against Rh+ blood!...leads to agglutination When can this occur? Transfusions and pregnancy Hemolytic disease of the newborn

20 - mom, + dad, + baby mom makes anti-Rh+ against Rh+ baby’s blood HDN mom’s anti-Rh+ will attack next + baby’s blood resulting in HDN

21 Treatment for HDN Anti-anti-Rh (anti-Rh o ) given to mom to bind with her anti-Rh+ instead of it binding to baby’s Rh+ Ag

22 Ex Rh factor problem Heterozygous + woman and - man have children, what are genotypes and phenotypes of children? Parents Rh+Rh- Rh-Rh- Offspring G: 1/2 Rh+Rh-, 1/2 Rh-Rh- P: 1/2 + blood, 1/2 - blood

23 Review…so far… Blood Types? Universal Donor? Universal Recipient? What is agglutination? Why does it occur? Genotypes for Rh +, Rh -? What is HDN? Why does it occur?

24 Blood Dihybrid Problem ABo and Rh factor Two traits (Abo AND Rh factor) Need to FOIL

25 Blood Dihybrid Problem ABo and Rh factor Homozygous type A, - blood man Type AB and heterozygous + woman Parents: (man) I A I A Rh-Rh- (woman) I A I B Rh+Rh- FOIL…… (man) I A Rh- I A Rh- I A Rh- I A Rh- (woman) I A Rh+ I A Rh- I B Rh+ I B Rh-

26 Dihybrid Problem continued Offspring G: 4 I A I A Rh+Rh- 4 I A I A Rh-Rh- 4 I A I B Rh+Rh- 4 I A I B Rh-Rh- P: 4 A+ 4A- 4AB+ 4 AB-



29 Sex determination 2 Sex chromosomes : X Y Genotypes of: (male) XY (female) XX

30 Sex linkage Sex linked trait- recessive trait linked to X chromosome (ex. hemophilia) Ex. hemophilia ___= normal clotting,____= hemophilia (on X chromosomes only)

31 Carrier- carries disease but doesn’t express it, usually females Alleles: X H X h Y

32 Sex linked hemophilia Phenotype genotype _______________________________ Female, normal X H X H Female, normal but “carrier” X H X h Female, hemophiliac X h X h Male, normal X H Y Male, hemophiliacX h Y

33 Sex linked hemophilia problem Normal clotting woman and normal clotting male have children some of whom have hemophilia and some of whom are normal, what are genotypes of parents? Genotypes of parents: X H X h and X H Y Proof: children X H X H, X H Y, X H X h - all normal X h Y- hemophiliac

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