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 Recall that the 23 rd chromosome in humans dictates the gender of the individual  The Y chromosome is much smaller, and carries much less genetic info.

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2  Recall that the 23 rd chromosome in humans dictates the gender of the individual  The Y chromosome is much smaller, and carries much less genetic info

3 X chromosome Y chromosome Colourblindness Hemophilia 900-1600 genes 70-200 genes


5  Genes found on the either chromosome are called sex-linked traits  Far more are found on the X, and not found on the Y  What does this mean for males??  They are more susceptible to conditions found on the Y chromosome  All X-linked conditions are expressed more so in males

6  Can result from a defect in one of three genes found on X chromosome


8  Possible Inheritance of Colorblindness Allele

9 Hemophilia  Genes for clotting found on X chromosome  Defects lead to deficiencies in expression of coagulation factors  Patients blood does not clot as easily ◦ Cuts can be fatal


11 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy  Another X-linked condition  Sufferers lack a muscle protein, skeletal muscle degrades

12  One of the X chromosomes is inactivated in females (randomly)  Chromosome forms a dense region that attaches to nuclear envelope  Stains darker, visible under light microscope  Called a Barr Body  Discovered by a Canadian cytogeneticist Dr Murray L. Barr

13 Other dark spots are nucleoli



16  Used in 1966 Olympics to test for males attempting to pass as females  Resulted in the stripping of medals from individuals because of ambiguous genital sex ◦ Genetic defect that allows males to appear as females  Also successfully indentified a number of cases of testicular feminization syndrome (androgen insensitivity syndrome) ◦ Error in androgen receptors resulting in XY individual developing phenotypically as females

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