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The Research Requirement: An Overview of the 18 Step Process.

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Presentation on theme: "The Research Requirement: An Overview of the 18 Step Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Research Requirement: An Overview of the 18 Step Process

2 Edward P. Sloan, MD, MPH Associate Professor Dept of Emergency Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago, IL

3 Attending Physician Emergency Medicine University of Illinois Hospital Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center

4 Overview Global Objectives Provide a unique opportunity Guide efforts to maximize success Minimize overall work requirement Produce presentations, papers Improve patient care Improve your careers

5 Overview Session Objectives Provide framework for work efforts Establish what must be done Develop optimal work process Discuss how to design a project Review project implementation

6 Research Framework Key Support Elements Research faculty and staff Research mentor Research packet/binder Research infrastructure Research shift Research meeting presentations

7 Key Support Elements Research Faculty & Staff Steve and Ginny Research faculty Secretaries Other residents Medical students Other faculty

8 Key Support Elements Research Mentor Any faculty member will do Knows how to do research Knows the subject area Wants to work with you Likes to work via email, etc Identify this person early

9 Key Support Elements Research Packet/Binder Includes examples of work product: –Two page proposal summary –IRB proposal –Data collection sheet –Reference listing, annotated bibliography –Manuscript –Abstract –Poster presentation –Oral presentation

10 Key Support Elements Research Packet/Binder Includes diskette/files for each product: –Two page proposal summary –IRB proposal –Data collection sheet, access dbase file –Reference listing, annotated bibliography –Manuscript –Abstract –Poster presentation –Oral presentation

11 Key Support Elements Research Packet/Binder Use these as templates Do not recreate the wheel Copy these formats exactly Work with staff to use these files Modify these files and save x 2 – On another floppy – On your computer and our computers

12 Key Support Elements Research Infrastructure Research faculty, staff, students State of the art computers Slidemaker Postermaker Excellent software (in house) Access to medical records

13 Key Support Elements Research Shift Scheduled with chief resident Usually on Mondays 10 am to 4 pm Meeting with research staff x 1 hr Work for 4 hours Complete activity form at end of session

14 Key Support Elements Research Meet Presentation Research committee, 3 rd Tuesday 130 pm, 469 CME Formal update on activity Forces the work to get done Larger faculty group Allows for broader input, less risk

15 Research Meetings Key Concepts Update on work done “off-line” Complete more work, not just meet Bring your research notebook, binder Bring all of your articles, ref Bring computer files on floppy Clearly define next steps

16 Research Requirement Specific Work Requirements Meet deadlines for interim work Attend research shifts Present to research committee Provide a final product, Jan 1 Last six months are a cushion

17 Work Completion Timing An 18 Month Schedule Focus on work when E.D. month Know the end work product Push forward during res shift Plan to work during off hours Communicate, update Email, page often

18 Work Completion Timing An 18 Month Schedule Two 6 hour shifts each month +/- One research shift, one off-line 12 hours/month x 18 months Approx 240 hours over three years Keep track of hours This info promotes success

19 18 Month Work Schedule Month 1: Write the Abstract Talk to us Get an article Talk to us again Get another article Copy a well done study Write an abstract

20 18 Month Work Schedule Month 2: Literature Search Go to index medicus Use reference manager Ask us for key words Show us the articles Find a few more articles Select the best 10

21 18 Month Work Schedule Month 3: Bib, Exec Summary Examine methods, pt population What were the results, conclusions? What is left unanswered? How will your study help? Write a two paragraph overview Write one paragraph to summarize each of the 10 articles

22 18 Month Work Schedule Month 4: 2 Page Summary Why is the study compelling? What will it tell us? How will you do it? What data will be collected? What do you expect to find? What’s the upshot?

23 18 Month Work Schedule Month 4: 2 Page Summary Introduction Study question Methods Major data elements, analysis Expected conclusions Clinical impact

24 18 Month Work Schedule Month 5: Data Collect Tools Use access database Use formatted data sheets Modify what exists Use the same variables, codes Get input here!!! Danger!! Consider your data tables

25 18 Month Work Schedule Month 6: IRB Application UIC documents on line Other sites have format in place Expedited review is likely Consider training requirement Patient protections paramount We can help to promote success

26 18 Month Work Schedule Month 7: Identify Cases E.D. logs must be used There are no shortcuts Pound thru the log to find the cases Consider the medical records dept Consider other logs (OR, ICU) Consider lab, radiology computers

27 18 Month Work Schedule Months 8-9: Chart Review Four 6 hour sessions per month Most intensive work period Talk with us if help is needed Key planning with medical records Review within days of being pulled Consider food, music, rewards

28 18 Month Work Schedule Month 10: Data Entry Use a computer at the office Caution with a home computer Save and copy files Put onto the office computer Need to run a frequency count Need to clean data set

29 18 Month Work Schedule Month 11: Data Analysis Work with the faculty Let us guide your efforts Learn how easy the process is Expect both sessions at office Expect to use 2 x 2 tables Produce summary tables

30 18 Month Work Schedule Month 12: Data Tables Standard format for tables Demographics, equal groups Main interventions, outcomes Results of analyses Cost information Other interesting information

31 18 Month Work Schedule Month 13: Abstract Go to the pre-written abstract Fill in the numbers Use a standard format Give enough numbers to inform Conclude based on the info Suggest public health importance

32 18 Month Work Schedule Month 14: Intro, Methods What’s the issue? Why is your study important? What is your study question? What did you do? How did you do it? Address pt protections issues

33 18 Month Work Schedule Month 15: Discussion Data Look at the data from the 10 articles: what did others find? Compare your data with theirs Compare other factors (demographics) Explain your results relatively Be able to state why your results difffered, or didn’t

34 18 Month Work Schedule Month 16: Results, Discuss Results highly structured Explain your main results Written results augment tables Summarize data differently Parallel construction in discussion Focus on your study results, impact.

35 18 Month Work Schedule Month 17: Presentation Format in place for oral & poster 18 power point slides for poster 30 power point slides for oral Fill in your data, no new work Print your poster or presentation

36 18 Month Work Schedule Month 18: Paper Edit, Ref Push to get your paper reviewed Make the necessary changes Modify the table, text Put in the references Build the reference list It’s Miller time!

37 18 Month Work Schedule Big Picture Allows for incremental work Easier to follow Easier to catch up Provides framework for binder Allows for ongoing assessment Makes success likely

38 Conclusions Learning Points This is a step-wise process Must stay up with requirements There is time for expected delays Each session must complete a step Organize your work based on the steps Keep track of the work efforts

39 Recommendations Management Implications Always bring your work with you In communications, state your step Inform us if behind in your steps Cut your losses early Hook onto others’ work if necessary Get it done!

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