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Towards the education of information age…. A bridge between Asian and European continents814.578 square kilometres area2672 kilometres land borders Surrounded.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards the education of information age…. A bridge between Asian and European continents814.578 square kilometres area2672 kilometres land borders Surrounded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards the education of information age…

2 A bridge between Asian and European continents814.578 square kilometres area2672 kilometres land borders Surrounded by the Black sea, the Mediterranean and the Aegean sea About 73.000.000 population Age groups in population 0 – 14 age29 % 15 – 64 age65% 65+ age6%

3 NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development BSEC: Black Sea Economic Cooperation OIC : Organization of the Islamic Conference Capital city: AnkaraLanguage: TurkishPolitical Structure: Parliamentary democracy Memberships: Council of Europe, NATO, OECD, BSEC, OIC, and many other international organizations

4 Turkey-Regional

5 Turkish Education System Central Organisation Provincial Organisation Abroad Organisation Related Institutions Ministry of National Education;

6 Turkish Education System The Turkish education system is organized on the basis of; Constitution of the Turkish Republic Laws Regulating Education and Instruction Government Programs Development Plans National Education Councils Principle Regulating The Education System

7 Some Information About Turkish Education System Turkish Education System has two main parts: 1. Formal Education, 2. Non-formal Education Nearly 17 million students and 800,000 teachers Mandatory schooling to 12 years divided into three levels (4+4+4)


9 For 40.000 schools and 570.000 classes Equipped with ICT equipment Improving educational opportunities for students and teachers technology improvement in our schools What is the FATIH Project?

10 Present Condition and Purposes Education System Years of 2000's IT classes in primary schools and secondary schools (computers, internet connection, printer, scanner and projector…) 2010 and next years IT equipments and Internet connection in classes

11 A computer for each school to use for school management An ICT class for each school Usage of the ICT in classes e-Book for each students (Tablet Computer) Process of Usage of the ICT in Education

12 1st year (2012) High schools 2nd year (2013) Vocational Training Schools 3rd year (2014) Pre-primary schools Primary schools Secondary Schools will be completed in 5 years will be carried out between in 2012 – 2014 Monitoring and evaluation phases of the project Implementation of FATIH Project

13 Providing Equipment and Software Substructure Providing Educational e- content and Management of e-content Effective Usage of the ICT in Teaching Programmes Conscious, Reliable, Manageable and Measurable ICT Usage Inservice Training of the Teachers Components of FATIH Project

14 For each school A multiple function printer A document camera For each class Interactive Whiteboard Internet Connection with cable For each teacher Tablet PC For each student r-Book (in Tablet PC) Providing Equipment and Software Substructure

15 Years of 2012 Number of School = 3.657 Between 2012 - 2015 TOTAL Interactive Board84.921 620.000 Document Camera3.657 42.000 A4 Printer1.211 42.000 A3 Printer2.446 Distance Education Center110 42.000 school and 570.000 class (education environment) in Turkey Providing Equipment and Software Substructure

16 Tablet PC for Pilot Schools ( 17 cities - 52 schools ) Number of Trainer Teacher Number of Teacher Number of Students TOTAL 1692.2599.43511.863 2.500.000 tablet PC for each year. Tablet PCs will be given for 5th and 9th grade students for each year. 2.500.000 tablet PC for each year. Tablet PCs will be given for 5th and 9th grade students for each year. Providing Equipment and Software Substructure

17 ICT Integration in Teaching Programmes Aim Effective Usage of the ICT in Teaching Programmes Process Determination of the ICT for goals of lessons. Updating acitivities and instructions according to ICT.

18 General Directorate of Basic Education General Directorate of Secondary Education General Directorate of Vocational Training ve Technical Education And other MONE units General Directorate of the Innovative and Education Technologie s Presidency of board of education and discipline Method ICT Integration in Teaching Programmes

19 Conscious, Reliable, Manageable and Measurable ICT Usage Making URL and content filtration for Internet Access Writing circular letter Including to teacher training programs Collobaration with other legal instutions and universities Using safe search engines in classes Building web sites for teachers, students and parents to acknowledge and awareness raising Making short movies for awaireness Tv and radio programs For Conscious and Safe Internet Usage

20 Building cable infrastructure for school Getting UPS for network devices Connecting school’s different parts with fiber optic 2 data plugs and 2 electricity plugs for each class Providing safety device for each school Building system rooms for each school Providing access to e-contents as an online and offline Local Area Network (LAN) in Schools Conscious, Reliable, Manageable and Measurable ICT Usage

21 Central e-Content filter system Usage Firewall, IPS and HTTP Antivirus Wireless controller VPN, User authorization, Saving to DHCP logs in electronics media, Conscious ICT Usage Conscious, Manageable and Measurable BT Structure Conscious, Reliable, Manageable and Measurable ICT Usage

22 Providing very rich educational environments for students. usage e-Contents at suitable situation and suitable time in class Providing of effective usage project’s hardwares, Goals of Teacher Training Inservice Training of the Teachers

23 Teacher Training Program Trainings Basic ICT Education in Local Areas Interactive videos and guides for ICT Usage ICT Usage at Lessons Example videos for lecture intended to subjects Advanced level training Method Assigning to lecturers Trainings for Lecturers Trainings to Central Training in Universities Seminer for headmasters and inpectors ICT Structure Seminar for headmasters and technical teachers Trainings for Teachers with distance education with face to face education Monitoring- Assessment Support and guiding Monitoring of trainings İnspection by Committee of inpection Motivation Certification Career step Encouragement and rewarding Road Map Inservice Training of the Teachers

24 What was done? Starting to prepare training documets April – May 2011 First pilot lecturer trainings ( 2 Grups, 24 city, 44 lecturer) Pilot teacher trainings ( 13 city, 234 teacher) Assesments of results of pilot trainings June – July 2011 Giving to seminar to comissions of teaching programs (2 Grups) Informing seminar to headmasters (with face to face and distance educaiton grups) Agust 2011 404 lecturers were trained in 2011. Plans were made for 2012 years. September – December 2011 Monitoring and assessment studies were started to collaboration with TÜBİTAK (the Scientific and Technology Research Council in Turkey) Giving seminars to teachers who works in pilots schools (With Adobe connect – 136 teachers) Workshop for managers and coordinators who works in pilot schools. January – 2012 Inservice Training of the Teachers

25 Do what? Complete to lecturer trainings Giving trainings for 3.657 secondary school teacher monitoring and assessment to local trainings Giving trainings as a distance education and coeducation Fatih Project Teacher Training Program Basic ICT Trainings ICT Course in Education Forum of Technology and Teknoloji ve Leadhership (for managers) Educations Subject- based Inservice Training of the Teachers


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