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Draw a Scientist Test What do Teaching Assistants draw ?

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Presentation on theme: "Draw a Scientist Test What do Teaching Assistants draw ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Draw a Scientist Test What do Teaching Assistants draw ?

2 Context  Science teacher since 1983  Based on my LA Consultant work – training for TAs as part of 5 day Induction  38 TAs in this sample  March 2009

3 DAST  DAST (Chambers, 1983) 4807 primary aged students in America  7 specific attributes of a scientist (only 28 female scientists drawn)  A laboratory coat  Eyeglasses  Facial hair (beard, moustache, abnormally long side burns)  Symbols of research (scientific instruments and laboratory equipment)  Symbols of knowledge (book, filing cabinet, pens)  Technology (products of science as rockets, television)  Relevant caption (such as formulas, eureka)

4 Other studies  pictures of scientists drawn by girls are more colourful (Boyd and Bee, 2006)  drawings by older children have more detail (Schibeci and Soresen, 1983)  drawings represent a perceived public stereotype and not their personal belief or perception (Symington and Spurling, 1990).  lack the confidence or ability to draw which can limit their expression of their perception of a scientist (Mosely and Mosely, 1999)

5 Findings  26 were interpreted as male scientists  9 indeterminate and 3 females

6 Physical attributes: Lab Coat and Glasses  36 wearing glasses  31 laboratory coats Tie cool Food (on coat) Bad tie with hideous pictures of sheep Sensible (health and safety) footwear Pockets full of stuff

7 Hair  Nearly always losing hair – due to exposure to hazardous drugs  Hippy hair  Mad hair  Bushy eye brows  Scary hair  4 facial hair  23 drawings bald or sticky out hair

8 Symbols on 19 drawings  Research  23 scientific equipment including bunsen burners, ph paper, flasks  15 with test tubes  Knowledge  6 books  O computers or www.  1 plant  25 pens in pockets of coat  Technology  Light bulbs – thinking ?  Batteries

9 Alternative Images  23 smiling images  1 dangerous image

10 Comments  Remarkable similarity  Hair changes  Smiles  Lack of technology

11 Next steps  Larger study  Information about the TA gathered  Follow up questionnaire  Impact of these perceptions on students

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