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VALORI. Valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths Provincia di Massa Carrara “Targeted job placement Service” Manchester, 19th May.

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Presentation on theme: "VALORI. Valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths Provincia di Massa Carrara “Targeted job placement Service” Manchester, 19th May."— Presentation transcript:

1 VALORI. Valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths Provincia di Massa Carrara “Targeted job placement Service” Manchester, 19th May 2010 Valori: valorize the differences by training, inclusion and job paths - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

2 Laws of Reference:  Legislative decree 469/97 – “Authorisation is given to Regional and local government on the subject of the labour market” Law 68/99 “Regulations on employment rights of the disabled” DPR 333/00 “Regulations for the implementation of law 12 march 1999, n. 68”. Ministerial Circulars (with particular reference to the application of legislation). Provisions of the Unified Conference of State and Regions held on 16.11.2006 – agreement on the application of article 11 of law 68/99 (System of covenants within Public bodies). Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

3 Job centres and the service of targeted job placements Legislative decree 469/97 delegated the management of the labour market to Regional government who in turn handed this down to local government. Consequently, the management of the disabled persons’s entry into the labour market has passed from the Employment Ministry to Provincial government, even though it is governed by a special law Law 68/99 introduced the concept of targeted job placement service (art. 2). It uses a range of technical and support tools that provide an appropriate evaluation of the disabled person’s working capabilities and places them in a suitable workplace following an analysis of jobs offered, types of support, positive action and the resolution of any problems connected with the work environment including equipment and interpersonal relations. Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

4 Incentives (art. 11, 13 and 14 law 68/99) - 1  In order to support the job placement of disabled people, art. 11 of law 68/99, paragraph 1, states that, after consultation with the technical committee the relevant offices and employers may draw up an agreement that establishes a specific programme to fulfil work-related objectives.  Paragraph 4: the offices in charge may draw up agreements for work integration for the introduction of disabled people with particular characteristics and barriers for inclusion into the ordinary cycle of employment. Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

5 Incentives (art. 11, 13 and 14 law 68/99) - 2 Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation paragraph 7 of art. 11: work inclusion agreements must: a)Give clear details of the tasks given to disabled workers and how they are to perform them; b)Provide the support, consultation and tutoring by appropriate services and organisation, as described in article 18 of law 5th February 1992, n. 104, to aid the adaptation of the disabled person to the work environment; c)Perform regular inspections to check the efficacy of the training programme instituted in the agreement for work inclusion. These inspections are to be conducted by public authorities entrusted with supervision and inspection duties.

6 Incentives (art. 11, 13 and 14 law 68/99) - 3 Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation In addition to the support tools mentioned, the law provides special incentives for recruitment (National Fund). This is stated expressly in article 13. The current system of incentives for private companies modified with law 247/2007, only covers long-term contracts and establishes: a) the reimbursement of salary costs (for a maximum period of three years), limited to a maximum of 60% for disabled people with an invalidity of over 79%, b) no more than 25% for employees with a reduced working capability of between 67 and 79%, c) a partial reimbursement of the costs incurred in making the work environment suitable for employees with a reduced working capability in excess of 50%, or for the provision of tele-commuting technologies or removal of architectural barriers.

7 Incentives (art. 11, 13 and 14 law 68/99)- 4 Article 14 of law 68/99 establishes that Regional governments set up a regional fund to finance regional schemes for work inclusion and related services. The procedures are decided by Regional law to ensure equal representation of workers, employers and the disabled. The fund contains sums from administrative fines applied by law and contributions from employers, as well as contributions from foundations, private bodies and interested parties. The fund provides: a) contributions to companies that support and assist the integration of the disabled at work; b) additional contributions to those of article 13, paragraph 1, letter c); c) any other provision in compliance with law prescriptions. Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

8 The Experience of the Provincia of Massa Carrara - 1  A specialist service to match up supply and demand. Specialists working with public employment services match up job offers from companies and job applications from disabled people.  Carry out pre-selection and collection of the needs of the various companies.  Once the employer and employee have been paired, the Job Centres of the local government start-up the job placement with the disabled person supported by the technical committee (a health authority doctor, a social worker, and clerk from the Job Centre) bearing in mind the results of the final report of the disabled person’s working capability, drawn up by the doctors of the health authority Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

9 The Experience of the Provincia of Massa- Carrara - 2  In 2003 Provincia di Massa-Carrara local government authority signed an agreement with ASL 1, the health authority for Massa Carrara, and the municipalities of Massa, Carrara, Fosdinovo and Montignoso, AIAS and ANFFAS (local associations for disabled people) to support social and employment inclusion of the disabled.  The agreement has involved the setting up of a technical committee that meet monthly to assess specific cases of complex disability, plan individual work placement projects (on-the-job training and work grants) test actions/projects, even with bodies that have not signed the agreement (schools, social cooperatives, etc), share actions and funding from bodies and associated institutions. Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

10 The agreement between the five Provinces of the Tuscan Coast In 2007 an agreement was signed between the Provinces of Livorno, Pisa, Lucca, Massa Carrara and Grosseto, aimed at activating active employment policies for disadvantaged groups; The agreement will involve the activation of joint pilot actions in support of sustainable development and employment in the labour market along the Tuscan Coast; It will provide continuity to the pilot actions already implemented in the earlier ESF programming for 2000-2006 with Community Initiatives under Equal Round I for “Coast Revitalization” project and Round II for “The Knowledge based Coast” project. Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

11 Thank you for your kind attention Provincia di Massa Carrara tel. +39 0585 816674 fax +39 0585 816697 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Valori: valorize the differences with training paths, job inclusion, work - LLP-LDV/TOI/08/IT/551 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of innovation

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